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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

Your Mighty "I AM" Presence is your Best Friend!

Updated: Feb 4

Grad Speech Spotlight - Andrea - Class of 1991.

Mighty "I AM" Presence
Mighty "I AM" Presence

When I came to Beloved Saint Germain’s "I AM" School, I didn’t realize how much of a bargain I was going to receive.

I learned more than just math, history, memorizing poems and - hardest of all - conceptual physics, (learning that the hottest part of a bowl of soup is at the top).

But most important, I learned who that Chart of the ‘Beloved Mighty "I AM" Presence’ is.

This one lesson proved to me that I could get up and over any mountain that life puts in my pathway.

You see, when you’re born in the "I AM" Activity, it seems that you really don’t understand what it’s all about, until you get older and start asking yourself questions. Being raised in the “I AM” Activity, I just didn’t think about what the Mighty "I AM" Presence really meant to me, until I came to Beloved Saint Germain’s "I AM" School.

When I would decree, I didn’t know who I was looking at, or when I was a little girl who I was staring at after I was finished coloring, waiting very patiently for class to get over, so I could go outside and play. I never would have thought that that beautiful picture could be a picture of my Best Friend.

These next few words are by our Beloved Hercules:

"What a glorious word is that word in the human vocabulary - True Friendship!  It covers the greatest scope in the Universe. True friendship in which there is no selfishness, no jealousy, no condition, but just the Outpouring of Divine Love and Blessings, one to the other. The greatest thing in the experience of mankind is Friendship; Friends of the Light; Friends of Its Purity and Perfection; Friends of the Great Desire for Perfection, which brings Its Limitless Reward to all. "

The Voice of the “I AM” 1941:05:23

We thank You, Beloved Hercules!       

This idea of being friends with that Being in the Chart came about after I had come to Beloved Saint Germain’s "I AM" School.

Let me tell you how this happened; one afternoon I was talking with a very close friend of mine, and the person said: “Have you ever thought of your ‘Mighty "I AM” Presence’ as one of your very best friends - more so than somebody like me, or somebody that you can see in the physical?"

I thought to myself; gee, I’ve never looked at it from that aspect, but it sure seems more logical. So from then on, my relationship with my new friend made life seem so much more real; it even seems to be easier.

That idea was so helpful to me, because now I look at It as if I could touch It, just as I could touch you and feel that response. It’s reality to me. It’s fun to think of taking a hold of my Presence’s hand and going shopping,  walking with It through the park, or best of all giving It a hug-feeling that true love, which we know will never part, or be untrue to us.

A teacher told me a little story about one of her children. The child came to school one morning and said: "You know what happened to me yesterday? Something touched my hand, and I know It wasn’t my mom, because she was in the other room. Then the child looked at the teacher, then to the Chart and playfully said: "What are you doing?" Now that’s what I call experiencing your Presence as being real.

Here are some Words from our Beloved Mary:

"So My Dear Ones, the day you love your "Presence” and make a Companion of It, the nearer you feel It, the more you adore It, the closer you get to Its Wisdom and Its Great Divine Plan, the more will you not feel alone."

The Voice of the “I AM” 1974:04:16                        

We thank You, Beloved Mary!

As I now graduate from Beloved Saint Germain’s "I AM" School, I feel that this was a far better deal than any other school could have offered me.

Especially since I know that my love and happiness will always remain with my friends here, and I know that in the future all the other youth that come to Beloved Saint Germain’s new "I AM" Schools will grow bonds with one another that are also special.

Maybe they will even find a new friend such as I did. I hope to hear the happiness glow in their laughter, for that happiness will surely help bring forth new "I AM" Schools and new children to Beloved Saint Germain.

And now to my Beloved Mighty "I AM" Presence, I thank You for Your Life, Your Energy, and all that You are constantly giving to me; and especially for Your Friendship!

Excerpt from her 1991 Graduation Speech.


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