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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

The Special Quality of Harmony

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

Grad Speech Spotlight - Rob - Class of 1982.

If I had to pick a quality that I feel that I have improved on the most, in the three years I have been in the "I AM" School, I would have to say it would have to be Harmony.

Harmony has always been a very special quality to me. I feel that when an individual is Harmonious things fall into Divine Order in that individual's life.

Beloved Sanat Kumara defines Harmony, “Heaven is Harmony! Harmony is the focus of Life's Energy and Substance which is qualified Completely with all that is Constructive!" (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1950.1:8)  A person who does not have Harmony in his life is constantly struggling, when if he would only be Harmonious, things would be so much easier and one would not have to go thru so much suffering. Beloved Sanat Kumara says, "Mankind and people, very sincere in orthodox channels and elsewhere have wanted to know the Right Thing to do and have called, but supposing you do know the Right Thing to do, if you do not know how to do it the Ascended Master's Way, then you do it the way of struggle; and that is not God's Way. There is not struggle in the Divine Plan and the Ascended Master's Way of manifesting that Divine Plan; because Harmony is the Law of all constructive action and all constructive use of energy should be the great enjoyment of existence. Therefore, it is the Gift of Love from Our Octave.”  (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1975.8:13)

Before a person can move on to his Ascension, he must learn to bring Perfect Harmony within and about himself. We have been on this earth for hundreds and perhaps thousands of embodiments. Just think for a moment. How long are we going to keep fooling ourselves into thinking we can go on like this?

Don't you think it is about time we buckle down to brass tacs; and hurry on to achieve our final goal, the Ascension. If we will just hold the Harmony and decree with all the sincerity we can, we will speed up our Ascension.  

Beloved Daddy says, "If We were absolutely certain you would hold the Harmony, We could release the Light and Power of Perfection without limit! We could give you supply without limit! We could give you Miracles without limit; but That Immortal Purity must come into existence in and around you, before We know you are strong enough to handle the energy and the Power with which We would clothe you! It would be not only for your Protection and Supply, but for Assistance to be given to others whom We would bring to you."  (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1949.12:13)

America's Ascension is just as important as ours if not more so, for through America's Ascension comes the Ascension of the earth. If we hold our Harmony, we can help America make Hers. Without Harmony there is destruction and chaos.

Beloved Saint Germain says, “If you want to help America, if you love Me, if you love the Messengers, you will do everything in Life that will bring Harmony." (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1952.10:17)

America needs our assistance now, more than we probably even know. America has given us Freedom, so why don't we give the ‘Land of the Free’ some Assistance. Remember - America's Future depends on you and me!!!!!!

Excerpt from his 1982 Graduation Speech.


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