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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

The Light of Victory

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

Grad Speech Spotlight - Shelley - Class of 1985

How does Beloved Victory state the meaning of His Victory?  He says ... "Victory is really forgiveness! Victory is the Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Love!" The Voice of the “I AM” 2004:11:43

As "I AM" Students, we can apply Victory to everything we do.

Beloved Victory says: "If you want Victory, you have to say the word VICTORY; you have to think the word VICTORY; you have to feel the POWERS OF VICTORY; you have to send forth the energy, qualified with VICTORY, because Victory does not come out of anything but Victory!" The Voice of the “I AM” 1976:02:19

Another Victory that has to be accomplished is the Victory of the "I AM" Ascended Master Youth. Our Beloved Mama has told us that we, the "I AM" Ascended Master Youth should "feel honored to bear" this title and "should be very careful about protecting" it. The Voice of the “I AM” 1938:05:32 

In a Young America Article, Beloved Mama said, "You are serving LIFE in every constructive thing you do! Since that Life is you, every bit of good that you expand is a service to yourself, for the Victory of the Ascension.” She continues: "Then, truly are you the Ascended Master Youth of America" to whom the whole world is looking for courage, hope, Light and Strength to win the Victory of Life. You have much to do! You are strong and Powerful in the Light of your own "Mighty I AM Presence!" Or you would not have been given this responsibility and opportunities to set yourselves free by Service to the Light at this time." The Voice of the “I AM” 1938:05:32 

What a big responsibility we the Youth have to uphold.

But think about it. We have already the title "Ascended Master" and no other group has that privilege. Our duty is to help the whole world in everything we can, and to always remain constructive and harmonious under any condition. We can and we will attain our Victory! After all, Saint Germain knew we could do it or else he wouldn’t have put us into this kind of position.

I love being an "I AM" Ascended Master Youth.

Just knowing that I spoke to and promised Saint Germain that I would help to expand light, Joy, courage and strength to anyone who is seeking it means a great deal to me.

Beloved Bob tells us that we the "I AM" Ascended Master Youth are the "representative ideal for the entire world." The Voice of the “I AM” 1939:02:35 

And that’s not just for our friends, but the entire world. That’s over four billion people. Our duty is to be the best representatives that we can for this "I AM" Activity. As I see it, our Victory as "I AM" Ascended Master Youth is to be the perfect ideal to the earth and to help America and all of Mankind to the Victory of their Ascension.

Beloved Saint Germain says: "Now no matter where you go, anywhere in the Universe, nothing can come out of a Situation to you except what you put into it." So, if we charge the situation with Beloved Victory's Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Victory, what comes out of it is Victory! The Voice of the “I AM” 1982:11:22

Saint Germain thought a lot of us to allow us to serve Him in His "I AM" Activity - His Family of Freedom. I especially feel this because I was lucky enough to be born and raised in this wonderful Light of the "Mighty I AM."

I don’t know about any of you, but I'm not going to let Him down. Saint Germain has loved us for centuries upon centuries, even when we chose to stroll down the wrong pathway. Now He's given us the chance to stride gloriously up the stairway of Perfection and I'm going to try my hardest to fulfill my goal - the goal I made directly to Saint Germain before embodying and that is the Ascension— America’s and mine.

Excerpt from her 1985 Graduation Speech.


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