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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

The Balancing, Energizing, & Rhythmic Breaths

Updated: Feb 13

The following described breaths are the only ones Saint Germain has ever taught for outer use by those of the Western world.              

If the Students will use these breaths regularly, they will find great assistance and purification coming into the physical body.              

There is not a thing you cannot correct or change in your body through the giving of your Decrees, holding Harmony, and the use of these three breaths, but it takes your conscious attention and application.

Give all of these Breaths on an even count - either two, four, six, or eight -depending upon the length of time you can comfortably hold the breath; then as you progress you can increase them. Never use these breaths without keeping your attention upon your "Mighty I AM Presence" and issuing some Decree that has an even number of syllables or counts within it, such as:

                    "I AM" all Light; or

                    "I AM" all Light right now;

                    "I AM" the Light of God held high;                              "I AM" all God's Balancing Breath;               "I AM" the Breath of Cosmic Peace.

Balancing Breath      

Hold the right nostril shut and inhale a deep breath through the left nostril as you issue your Decree. Then hold the breath while you again issue the Decree. Exhale through the right nostril, issuing your Decree as you do so. Then hold without breathing for the same length of time, issuing your Decree.             Repeat this exercise through the right nostril and keep alternating until you have gone through the exercise as many times as is comfortable. You will soon be able to increase the counts and find a balance coming into your bodies that have not been there before.

Energizing Breath

Take a deep breath filling the lungs, hold a moment, issue your Decree for the acknowledgment of whatever Perfection you desire; then blow it out very slowly (like you were going to whistle, but you don't).       

Keep repeating this for ten or twenty times; and regardless of how tired you may be, you will find it energizes the entire body. Never do this without keeping your attention on the "I AM Presence" and issuing your Decrees with each inbreathing and outbreathing. You can do this exercise as you are walking, riding, or wherever you may be, just so you do not make yourself conspicuous to other people.


Rhythmic Breath            

Say mentally the Decree on the inhalation of air into the lungs; hold for an equal number of counts; issue your Decree again; exhale and issue your Decree; hold again for an equal length of time and issue your Decree (all mentally--not aloud).

Repeat this exercise several times to begin with, until you feel a balance coming within your body. You can increase the count from time to time as you learn to hold the breath longer.                     

There is not a thing you cannot change in your bodies; but it must have regular and systematic attention. If there is pain in the body, use the Balancing Breath. Feel and visualize the Golden Flame flow through every cell of your body, and as It passes through the flesh, visualize that Golden Flame standing around the body like a Golden Sun.

                    Anyone who will use these three breaths as given above will find the body coming into balance, and many old conditions just fading away - but they must be given systematically.

                    Do not hold your breath at any time longer than is comfortable!


            (Reprinted from The Voice of the "I AM," July 1945:07:39-41)

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