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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

That one phrase - “I AM GRATEFUL!”

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

Grad Speech Spotlight - Chelsea - Class of 2022.

Beloved Mighty Saint Germain tells us:

“When children of parents have reached the years of maturity, the greatest thing the parents can do is to consciously place these children in God's hands, which means to release them completely into the protection and care of each child's own "Mighty I AM Presence" and enfold them in the Rays of Light and Love from the Heart of the Electronic Body above the child.” The Voice of the “I AM” 1936:07:6

I have always been aware of this “I AM” teaching, my dearest mother had introduced me to Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” Activity at the age of one, though I may have not comprehended it mentally in this physical world, but my Presence had surely kept that in my consciousness throughout the years.

At that time I also got familiarized with the color of the Unfed Flame, and at a young age I would always draw and paint the Violet Flame and houses surrounded with Lights.... If you are asking how I remember this, I don’t, I asked pointers from my mom, who has kept all of my artwork.

At the age of five, my mom let me read book one, two, and three, and then she asked me to write the words I didn't understand, and helped me with my vocabulary.

At twelve, I attended and graduated elementary school at the Angel Presence School in the Philippines, with Beloved Master Jesus as our school Director and Beloved Archangel Michael as the school Principal.

In the year 2013, I attended my first musical during the Philippines class, and in the next two years, I became a part of the Youthlet Group, then I became a Youthlet leader the next year. The following year I was able to attend Youth Classes and in 2018, I was privileged to be able to lead the Youth Group.

I attended a public school for four years, and I was able to attend classes in our “I AM” Sanctuary consistently with my mother’s guidance. Even though I was surrounded with teenagers who may not have shared the same beliefs with me, I was successful to be able to maintain and walk the path of the Light.

I may have also been the only Youth left in our study group in the Philippines during my teenager years, but I was not discouraged by it; quite the opposite, I was heartened to attend Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” School and meet my peers.

Attending His Majesty’s School made me realize the significance of my mom’s efforts, and guidance.

She paved the pathway I am walking right now, with the guidance of her Presence, I am in the service of the Light. She devoted her life to this Light, though she may not be here physically, I always keep her love and light here with me.

I have been asked, why did I want to go to Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” School, and my answer: “Because I want to achieve Mastery,” and that answer will remain as it is, until I fulfill it.

Beloved Archangel Michael says :

“So if you will cultivate within yourselves an Awakening, and Awareness, a Gratitude and a Determination to be Grateful to Life for all the Blessings that Love has given into Manifestation, your very intensity and outpouring of that Love and Gratitude back to your "Presence" and to all Life everywhere will clear away from you your limitations, your problems and distress, and will clear away from you that which has kept Supply from you! There isn't anything that will open the door to Boundless Supply so quickly, and so deeply, and so wonderfully, as continual Gratitude to all Life, for the least Blessing of that which is constructive in outer manifestation at this time.” The Voice of the “I AM” 2004:11:7

Thank you Beloved Archangel Michael, “I AM so Grateful.” And before I begin my gratitude, our Beloved Goddess of Justice speaks:

“I AM GRATEFUL!” You will never know, Dear ones, until your Ascension what that one phrase will do for you, “l AM” SO GRATEFUL! When you acknowledge Gratitude to your "Presence", and the Ascended Host and everything Life gives you and does for you, there is not one obstruction left on your pathway.”

The Voice of the “I AM” 1973:11:15

We thank and bless our Beloved Goddess of Justice.

First and foremost, I am deeply grateful to my Beloved “Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence”for this amazing opportunity and privilege in this embodiment that I have been bestowed with. I will forever and always cherish this experience, and the blessings that came with it.


I am pleased to be a student of this Light, I stand here before all the students of Light to express my gratitude to Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” Activity, and His precious “I AM” School. It has been a privilege to meet His students of the Light, His chosen school staff, teachers, and students, and to be able to serve and be an anchor of this Light.

I may be from a different culture, tradition, and nationality, but my will to serve this Light is as much as everyone in this Activity. I have grown physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through this Light’s instruction, and “I AM” Grateful and blessed to be aware of these “I AM” teachings.

Everything I have learned here will serve as the stepping stone, and foundation to what the future holds for me.

Beloved Saint Germain, thank you.  

“I AM” Chelsea

Excerpt from her 2022 Graduation Speech.


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