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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

Ring & Cape Ceremony

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School Ring and Cape Ceremony Saturday, February 13th at 2:00 pm (US Pacific Time)

In-person attendance for this year's ceremony is limited to School staff and students, and immediate family of our Senior.

. This is a very special ceremony for our seniors, as it is the time where they receive two very special gifts: an Amethyst Ring adorned by Honor Crosses on each side, and an Indigo Cape. What a blessing to receive a beautiful Amethyst Ring produced by the Violet Flame as told to us by our Beloved Saint Germain; and along with that Beloved Saint Germain's Blessing of Protection with His Indigo Cape.

As Head of the Ceremonial Ray, our Principal, Beloved Saint Germain says: You might think when you present a Ceremony­ in the Sanctuary, that it is only a little bit of Energy, but you do not know how far-reaching that will be; and when We take that up and expand It, and consciously direct It to assist all, every particle of Life is ready to cooperate with Us to do that which fulfills the Divine Plan. So whether you perform those Ceremonies­ here in this Sanctuary or in your own local Groups, whenever you perform a Ceremony­ with Love, Devotion and great Sincerity, you draw a Power instantly from Our Octave, and once that is drawn into this octave, It always expands. It reaches out to bless all. So, remember, in anything you do to bless each other, you give Us the opportunity to both bless you, your Nation and the World. (The Voice of the "I AM," 1982.08:18) 2020 and 2021 have presented many challenges and changes in the traditions of the “I AM” School. We have and will continue to view these challenges as opportunities to expand the Light. We will take advantage of technology and make this ceremony available to people around the world. While we will miss seeing you in person and we know that many of you will miss being physically present, know that you will be present and that your love and energy will be with us. Our 2021 Ring and Cape Ceremony, with in-person attendance limited to the "I AM" School staff and students, while broadcasting to the world, is the balanced choice that will allow this year's Ring and Cape Ceremony for our senior, Aidan Kihm, to proceed with his family in attendance. His mother, Miss Carol, "I AM" School alumnus and teacher, is in a high-risk health category and we want to protect her and the "I AM" School family at this time. We thank you for your understanding. We hope you can join us as we honor our senior, Aidan Kihm, with the gifts of his "I AM" School Amethyst Ring and "I AM" School Cape. Help us to have the largest audience ever for the "I AM" School's Ring and Cape Ceremony. We are so grateful to our Principal, Beloved Saint Germain for His Love, and we ask Him to take up the Love, Devotion, and Sincerity from this Ceremony and expand It and use It to bless America and the World.


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