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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

Realize what the Flame of that Sacred Fire can do in You!

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

Grad Speech Spotlight – Tamara – Class of 1990

Beloved Godfré says:

"You know, all through the years and through century after century, mankind have been taught that they had to go to school as children and learn the various things of the outer world. But they have never gone to school to learn what the Sacred Fire of their own Heart’s Flame can do for them. It is pitiful the neglect of such education…"

The Voice of the “I AM” 2007.2:6


Beloved Jesus reminds us:

"If mankind would only teach in the educational channels of this World, the Mastery of the Sacred Fire allowing Its Strength and Power to come into individuals, such Miracles and Perfection would come to the beings of this World as words could never describe."

CD 461

I came to the "I AM" School for two reasons: I wanted to learn English, and I wanted to learn more about the "I AM" Activity.

Every day, as soon as I passed the Picture of Beloved Saint Germain in the hallway, I started learning something about the Light. In every subject I started seeing a reason for learning it. In the "I AM" School I even learned to enjoy History, which I couldn’t stand before.

In Light Class, we read the first and second books of the Saint Germain Series. After this, we worked on our projects; such as needle point, rug hooking, stained glass and others, where every student and teacher could choose a Sacred Fire Symbol to work out using that media of art.

We had assembly in the mornings, where the students read Ascended Master words and decreed for the Youth. I learned practically every day something about the Light, which I’m certain I couldn’t experienced in a public school in Switzerland. And I would not be so far advanced with my English, as if I would have stayed in Switzerland and tried to learn it at a school there.

When I came to America last summer, I could hardly complete a sentence without making mistakes and missing words. That meant that the Board of Trustees, the Administrator and the entire Faculty had to think of ways and possibilities to teach English as a second language.

I think we learned English in a fun way: we read books aloud, we listened to tapes, wrote Essays, watched movies such as "My Fair Lady" and tried to understand ‘American Jokes’ which was sometimes really hard. Sometimes we went on little excursions to different stores, to the Capitol, to the library, to a bookstore and to the airport, where we had to find places and ask people for information.

I liked these ‘field trips’ the most because I saw the things in real life and learned a lot faster than without them.

I enjoyed living in the “I AM” School Residence. It was surely the easiest way to learn English by living with girls my age. In the beginning, I did not understand people scarcely at all; sometimes I understood the wrong thing, or I didn’t understand them at all. I think it is so much easier to learn a foreign language when you live right in the place where nobody speaks your native language, and you are compelled to learn, otherwise you could not get along.

When I go back to Switzerland, I will go to a college to learn how to be a teacher. Here at the "I AM" School, I gathered a lot of experiences which will be important to me later on. You see, my greatest desire is to see an "I AM" School start in Switzerland.

I thank Miss Nada, the Faculty and the students very much, for making this year so unforgettable. I will always remember the "I AM" School as a family, where I learned so much, which I can use later in my life.

Beloved Saint Germain, thank You very much for letting me go to Your School this year. It has brought me a giant step nearer to my goal.

I decree that the “I AM” School will grow in leaps and bounds this next year. May more children see the beauty of Beloved Saint Germain’s "I AM" School and have the desire to experience Its Joy.

It was a wonderful year, and I am SO grateful for it.

Thank you very much!

Excerpt from her Senior Speech.


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