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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

If a thing is impossible, Let’s do it!

Updated: Nov 24, 2024

Grad Speech Spotlight - Alan - Class of 2022.

Our Beloved Great Divine Director tells us: “That is what you want to do. Oh dear hearts, do not give way to the appearance world any longer. Everything that you see in the outer world of mankind is but human creation. [...] When you give attention to your Presence enough, you will find the Light will begin to expand. At first, you will feel Its Radiance going out from you as tangible as water. You will find everything touching your world becomes harmonized and lovely. Then when you call to your Presence, you will find your call is answered almost instantly.”

The Voice of the “I AM” 1937:07:7

It was during Conclave time, that the first spark for my desire to come to the “I AM” School arose. A spark that quickly ignited into an unstoppable fire that drove me to the School.

My Dad was quite surprised by how strongly I wanted to go to the “I AM” School all of a sudden, but he was right on board with my mission, and he has always supported me every step of the way.

  However, there was a slight issue. Understandably my mom, who didn’t know anything about the “I AM” School or even the “I AM” Activity in general, didn’t want to let her only son go all the way across the world just like that.

So my way to reach my goal, in this case, to come to the “I AM” School was not clear right away. At that time a saying that our Beloved Mama loved to use, and my Dad had often told me about, came to my mind, “If a thing is impossible, let’s do it.” What a truly great saying it is!

I always believed that nothing is impossible and it was no different when it came to my desire to go to the “I AM” School. I made the Calls and remained fiercely determined that I would make it there.

After a while, I was successful in my efforts to convince my mom and made an agreement with my former school to go to the “I AM” School for three months. Despite wanting to go for a longer period than just 3 months, I was more than happy that I had a foot in the door that my “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” and Beloved Saint Germain had opened for me.  

For the three months I was supposed to be here, I had the greatest time one could imagine. It felt like I blinked twice and the three months had passed.

When the time came, I made the mistake to ignore my responsibility to go back to Germany and instead stayed here at the school. Opposing the will of almost my entire family and the agreement I had with my former school by doing so.

My decision to stay here was not right and it started to take its toll on me, until after completing the school year, I was compelled to go back to Germany and take care of my unfinished business before I could finish my studies at the “I AM” School.

Returning to Germany was far from easy for me, but I decided to make the best out of it right away; as after all, it was all just a big test by the Great Law of Life. The Presence gave me tremendous blessings to guide me through this testing time.

During these again, so-called “hard times” I turned to use my superpower, my Decrees, which charged me with the strength of the Light in action to conquer all false appearances. Finally, my unfinished business in Germany was taken care of. I was free to return here and fulfill my service to Saint Germain.

I have learned and studied many important things during my time here. The most important of which probably were not academic lessons but life lessons.

On the first day of this school year, we had an introduction meeting with the whole school in the assembly room. During that meeting, we were given some stepping stones for the year that was to come.

The one emphasized the most and also the one that resonated the most with me, was that we are the masters of our attitude.

Our Beloved Mighty Victory tells us: “I want you to understand and feel your Victory, your Power, your Dominion! You have understood your Presence long enough now to stop all wavering, doubt or questioning and release Its Mighty Power of Action into you and your world! When something is disturbing, say: "Stop that nonsense right now! I will have no more of it. 'I AM' the Out-pouring of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.'" Then, how can discord register there and remain? Once you take that firm positive attitude, you will find that everything discordant will disappear quickly!”

The Voice of the “I AM” 1938:10:12

We thank and bless our Beloved Victory for those words. Words that I choose to live by.

Thank you all for coming today! I am so so grateful that I was able to experience attending and graduating from Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” School! Now I look forward to wherever the road may lead next, knowing that Nothing is impossible and as always, “I AM” Victorious Victorious! Thank you so much!

Excerpt from his 2022 Graduation Speech.


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