Grad Speech Spotlight - Dinna - Class of 1980.

While attending 3 Wondrous years in Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School there is something that has hit me very strongly, something that has always been in my heart and while attending Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School it has even become more a part of my Heart. It just fills my entire being to the top! And This is the Peace of the Great Great Silence. In our Light Classes at Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School you can just feel that Great Peace of the Great Great Silence just filling your entire beings and worlds. I wish I could convey to you the feeling of the Great Great Silence that I have attained while attending Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School! Our Beloved Silent Watcher says: "Come Into the Great Great Silence three times a day for ten minutes in undivided Love and attention - forgetting everything of the personal self; and I shall show you the Fulfillment of My Words! I Shall be there to receive you and give you this which I offer! Try Me out and let Me show you the world of the Great Great Silence! (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1947.05:22) When you enter into the heart of the Great Great Silence say to yourselves: "I AM" COME INTO THE HEART OF THE GREAT GREAT LOVE OF ALL CREATION AND THERE THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE SPEAKS TO ME THE WILL OF GOD, MY BELOVED MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE." THERE IS THAT FLAME MADE ALIVE IN ME, AND I BRING IT BACK TO RENDER SERVICE IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD: UNTIL ALL UNDERSTAND WHAT ETERNAL HAPPINESS LIVED WITHIN THE LOVE OF THE GREAT GREAT SILENCE! Now let us accept this decree and feel it in our Hearts! Did you ever realize how much strain is lifted from your bodies when you just sit down for just 30 seconds, without moving a muscle! Did you know that the sinister force fears the silence? Our Beloved Venus says: "TO LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR SPEECH IN THE FACE OF VICIOUS INDIVIDUALS, IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL MEANS OF PROTECTION YOU CAN HAVE: because if the sinister force cannot get you to talk, it is already at a disadvantage at the start. If you have Mastery over yourselves, you will feel the Silent Watcher through your silence handle the vicious creation of the individual as you make the call." (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1950.05:27)
There are two things that every one of your emotional bodies need some time each day. One is the feeling of Light and its Perfection and the other is the Feeling of the Great Great Silence. Our Beloved Faith says: "If you knew what Faith in the Great Great Silence meant you would need nothing but your Love and Adoration to your "Mighty 'I AM' Presence" and the Ascended Host to draw forth from the silence Whatever you desired into your outer use." (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1944.11:16)
Again our Beloved Silent Watcher says:
"The Harmony and the Power are great within and around you! Come tonight when you leave these bodies into the Heart, mark you, of the Great Great Silence - the Heart of the Sacred Fire of God's Love in the Great Great Silence! There see your Presence face to face and consult with it; as the Mighty Power and the Greatest release It can pour thru you from hour to hour. Demand It's fullest remembrance in the intellect when you return. You will find your Presence a wise Counselor, a Loving Friend, a Divine Parent who will never say you nay!" (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1947.05:23)
Some of the time, or even most of the time, it is very hard to stay in the Silence while people around you are pouring out a very unkind feeling towards you!
Our Beloved Messenger says concerning this:
"If you will stand perfectly still and keep calling the Light in, you will keep that destructive force from affecting your finances, your health or your affairs; and you will stay in your Tube of Light and the whirlwind will pass you by and go back to its source. It is a great deal easier from the human side to answer back and as the expression goes "get it off your chest" but you never get it off your chest!" (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1944.2:20)
When destructive forces try to drive in and you have this Peace and Power of the Great Great Silence around you, it will be as if it struck a wall of steel and was silenced instantly by the Silent Watcher. For the Silent Watcher has more power in his little finger than all mankind put together.
Our Beloved Mighty Helios says: "Within This Flame is My Love, is the Silence, which can speak to you My Will of Love! In this Flame is the Voice of the Silence, which can teach you from within, what you can never learn from the outer! Within this Voice of the Silence of My Love, there can come to you the Peace of the Great Great Silence! When that Peace burns brightly within you, in the Glory of Its everlasting Happiness and the Authority of Its Cosmic Fire, You will command it to expand: until Its very Presence frees all life wherever You abide! You will come deep within the Silence of My Hearts Love and there learn of things, which your "Beloved 'I AM' Presence" will reveal to you from time to time!" (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1949.02:25)
Our Beloved Ray-O-Light says: "So if you will accept the Silent Watcher, as well as Myself, We might be your two Silent Partners and accomplish thru radiation what you can never do thru the spoken word." (The Voice of the “I AM,” 1944.09:33)
In School we have a Silence day the first Thursday of every month. This is a great opportunity to really feel the Power of the Great Great Silence. Because on this day no one is allowed to talk, they can only write notes. It is also been said by the students that on this day they accomplish more on this day than two regular days put together. As they say "Silence is Golden!"
Remember that when the Silent Watcher just raises His hand, he doesn't even have to speak a word: the Flame goes forth and the Silence reigns Supreme.
May the Peace of the Great Great Silence forever burn within your Hearts until you come into the Heart of the Great Great Silence and there hear that Voice of the Great Great Silence speak to you the Will of God to forever attain your Victory to the Fullest! God Bless You ALL For Ever!!!
Excerpt from her 1980 Graduation Speech.