This Ascended Master Youth Radio Show Broadcast was created by the students of the "I AM" School as part of the Drama Class session of the Lady Donna Program.
It is dedicated to Beloved George Washington and the Presidential Elections by recognizing the first presidential election of George Washington in 1789.

Guardian of old! Great Washington, come!
Bless all our Land! Light's Glory has won!
Freedom shall live and tyranny shall die!
Victory shall reign and poverty pass by!
Harmony shall sing and all else now cease!
Obedience shall rule and give full Release!
Music shall sound and Honor awake!
Mercy shall flood-dissolve each mistake!
Power shall surge and all Love reveal!
All strength shall flow, in courage-like steel!
Wisdom shall blaze and all now control!
God's Unfed Flame shall Cosmic Peace hold!
"I AM"! In all, the Flame does command!
"I AM"! Light's Power throughout this our Land!
"I AM"! the Word, the Voice of God's Heart!
"I AM"! God's Plan-Make all else depart!
Come forth Thyself-Forgiveness compel!
Blaze Cosmic Light! Ring Liberty's Bell!
Manifest now! Thy Miracles pour through!
Thy Presence here is Protection, too!
The Voice of the "I AM" 1945:02:3