Love Star, Love Star, enfold us all tonight.
As long as you remember that you abide within this Secret Love Star as your home, nothing unlike Our Perfection can enter in…
As you become more and more quiet and harmonious within that Secret Love Star, will everything become Crystal Clear to you as to what is the right thing to do ahead of time, and your uncertainty of the past will drop away, as if it had never been.
This Activity of the Secret Love Star is one of the most wonderful things that can be given to the individual on his upward path.
We have offered It a long time, and the Beloved Master Jesus long ago said, "If you would see conditions or individuals suddenly caught up within that Secret Love Star and held there until all things were purified and adjusted, you would have some very remarkable results."
So tonight, in drawing forth this more intense Activity of the Secret Love Star around each of you, it is that you may have more sense of security, more seclusion, more supply, and more of everything you require to hold Victorious Accomplishment in anything you attempt to do in the Fulfillment of Great Divine Plan.
And since, Precious Ones, the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan the Ascended Masters' Way, means to live within the Qualities and the Radiance and the Power of the Secret Love Star, then your world becomes an extension of Ourselves.
...Enter in tonight and have your Freedom in the greatest joy you have ever known, and BE Its Victorious Presence through your own use of Its Powers to all Life wherever you move, and command with Its Authority that all unlike Its Perfection must be dissolved by Its approach, and the Victory of the Light and the Love within Its Heart, compels your Freedom and Perfection and Boundless Supply everywhere through Love.
Saint GERMAIN'S DISCOURSE; CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 28, 1949. The Voice of the “I AM” 19827:12:7
