Grad Speech Spotlight - Minerva - Class of 2004

“Hail to our School and Its students so pure and bright!
We do salute you in the name of Light.
Students we march forth to serve, From the Light we’ll never swerve. Ascended Master Youth we stand,
To hear the Great Command.”
"I AM" School Song
I have found that love is everything. I have learned this during the past three years that I have been in Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” School. Whenever I pour out Love to my Presence, I feel at peace within myself; that is the best feeling that I have ever felt.
Just a few days ago, I realized that to truly forgive someone, I had to pour a lot of Love to that person. And once I started to pour enough Love to that person, I felt at peace with myself and that person. I always knew that Love and Light are all in the same.
Darkness cannot receive Love; it actually fears it and darkness is not Light. We all know that everything comes from the Light, as our Beloved Lady Master Nada says:
“Everything in the Universe came out of Light and all must again become the Light. Remember! Light is Self-luminous, Intelligent Substance, from which all for is composed. Divine Love is Self-luminous Intelligent Substance - therefore one with Light and Love. It is the Power which no sinister force in the world can use! Everything which is unlike the Light and Divine Love fears It.” Ascended Master Light - Volume VII: 34-35
We thank our Beloved Lady Master Nada for these words. I Love this Light, and I will never turn my attention away from the Light.
“I AM” So Grateful to My Beloved Mighty “I AM” Presence and Beloved Saint Germain for giving me the opportunity to come to the “I AM” School. I have learned so much during these past three years for one that love is everything. “I AM” Eternally grateful to Beloved Saint Germain, my Principal for everything that I have learned, for I will never forget what I’ve gained. It has been an honor and a privilege to attend Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” School, and a bigger honor to graduate from His school.
I will always hold Beloved Saint Germain close to my heart, for I will always wear my ring and give constant love and gratitude to Him for giving me this wonderful opportunity.
Excerpt from her 2004 Graduation Speech.