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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation
© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

Bell Choir performs ‘America Invincible’ in Los Angeles

Updated: Jan 4

America is the Cup of Light that quenches the thirst of the World.

America is the Cup of Light, and the Light must remain in America; and I might say to you, there isn't any force on Earth that is going to break America's Cup! I have this to say:  America's Cup of Light - which is the Love for God in the feelings of the people, and your Demands for the Sacred Fire to come into outer action - will yet be the Cup that quenches the thirst of the World by the Light within the Cup, and every nation in the World will drink of America's Light before the World becomes the Ascended Masters' Octave of Perfection.

Oh, not that America is so much more important than any other nation; but here in America did mankind first begin their journey in the physical octave, and here must the spiral be completed wherein this World arises from the human limitations of the shadows into the Immortal Light of the Resurrection and the Ascension into the Great Octave of the Ascended Masters' Perfection.

Here must mankind begin their journey into Our Octave, until It is the Raising Power that draws all nations into Our Octave of Perfection; and here begins the Action of the Flame that shall penetrate all upon the Earth and compel the Ascension of the World!  

MORYA EL’S DISCOURSE; CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, MAY 4, 1950. The Voice of the “I AM” 1987:12:11 - CD 2102


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