Grad Speech Spotlight - Bud - Class of 1953

I greet you in the name of my "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and Beloved Mighty Astrea, and I ask Beloved Astrea to enfold you all in His Heart's Flame of Love, that you may be set free from every human limitation forever, I wish to convey to all who have anything to do with the "I AM" School, my heart's deepest love and gratitude for all that they have done in the service of the Light.
And now with all the Violet Flame Love of my heart, I give to you this speech, ALL FOR AMERICA!
It is the duty of every American citizen to rise up and awaken to the fact that they must give everything they have to bring America back into the original Purity and Light of the first two Golden Ages, even as our patriots gave their lives and fortunes to secure America's Independence.
The patriots were true American citizens who valued their rights as free men more than their personal safety. These defenders of America were fine people with high standards and ideals. Their refinement and dignity brought forth qualities of the highest type. Their honesty and ability to stand for what they thought to be right enabled them to hold to their way of living with determination.
Consequently, they did not sink into the depravity that has enveloped mankind today. Otherwise, America could not have gained her freedom at that time.
You all know where it says in the American's Creed: ".....a Perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity, for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes..." An outstanding example of that description is Patrick Henry, who inspired his fellow representatives in the Revolutionary Convention of Virginia when he cried out, "I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Nathan Hale expressed the feeling of every true American patriot when he exclaimed to his British captors, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." There were many who, in turn for allegiance to the king, could have obtained high positions of trust and great wealth. Such a one was James Otis, who became
one of the colonists' most staunch supporters in the cause of freedom. He had been appointed attorney-general of the colonies by the British government, but resigned rather than support the Writs of Assistance, which gave the British soldiers the right to search any house at any time for any reason whatsoever.
This act resulted in looting and destruction of property and was one of the colonists! main grievances.
By his action against the Writs of Assistance, Otis inspired John Adams to take his stand for the colonies against another injustice.
Adams gave a speech right before the governor and council of Massachusetts, in which he declared the Stamp Act illegal on the grounds that Massachusetts was not represented in Parliament, this led to the colonists' strong opposition to "taxation without representation.”
Every man that signed the Declaration of Independence was in danger of being hanged if caught by British authorities.
On that fateful day of July 4, 1776, the patriots were hesitant to put their signature to the document, but when Beloved Saint Germain fanned the spark of Liberty in them by His speech, they would have signed that parchment even if the heavens had fallen down upon them the next moment. They knew that the Declaration of Independence was the Divine Work of God, and it could not be destroyed. In the last sentence of the Document it says: "And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Think of the Herculean strength that it took to bring forth that document! What kind of courage do you think it took the patriots to say to the king of England: "...But when a long train of abuses...evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”
And what gave them that courage? - Their unfaltering Faith in God. They based everything they stood for on God, and trusted Him to deliver them from that which was not God's Way of Life.
That faith was put to a great test when men from every walk of life took up arms to fight in defense of these new principles. Just think of the Love that those patriots must have had for this Land of God's Heart to be willing to give up their lives, their homes, and their reputations for its freedom! After our forefathers won the struggle for independence, they were faced with a great task, They had to form the government and establish the laws for the nation.
After an unsuccessful attempt with the Articles of Confederation, the members of the constitutional convention brought forth the Constitution of
The United States of America.
By their unfailing efforts and their reliance upon Divine Guidance the patriots had brought forth a document that contained within it all the rules for "a government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
They wrote it not as a temporary constitution, but as a body of laws for all future generations in America. Even William Pitt, the prime minister of England, said: "It will be the pattern for all future constitutions and the admiration of all future ages."
Those men, who had fought for our freedom, had faced the problem, and with an unfaltering confidence in God, had brought forth the Divine Instrument by which this country is to be governed forever.
During the Revolutionary War, George Washington was given a vision by the Goddess of Liberty. In it were shown three great perils that would come upon America unless the inhabitants turned to God for Guidance.
As you know, the first two have already come about. Now, present outer world conditions indicate that the third peril is threatening.
Look at the situation of the United States very carefully. Notice, that we are facing similar problems and crises which confronted the early patriots. Our very existence as free men is in great danger unless we take the same responsibility that our forefathers did and free this nation from that which is trying to desecrate it.
In the May, 1946, issue of the Voice of the "I AM", Beloved Jesus in a discourse given in Chicago, May 10, 1945, said: "...It may take twenty years, even with your calls, to lift the standard of living of the people back to where it was in the early Colonial days."
"The people in the time of Washington had more refinement and more gentility, more real gentlemanly and ladylike characteristics than the mass of the people do today...".
The patriots were honorable and just. They did not compromise with evils that surely would have lowered their standard of living.
As I said before, those were the reasons that America gained her freedom in the beginning.
Now, we, as Beloved Saint Germain's Legions of Honor must hold to these same high ideals and strive to be living examples of the Laws of Life. We must become so fine, so strong, that everyone in America will see our example and desire to be like us.
I have already touched upon the subject of our early patriots giving everything they had, even their lives, that we of today might live in a land of Freedom.
Therefore, it is our duty, as American citizens to preserve those rights for which they so bravely fought. Today, we are faced with certain injustices that will be worse than death if brought upon our people. That is why we must give all our heart's love and every ounce of energy to God, the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Masters.
We must be willing to put the protection of America before all personal activities. Is it not worth any sacrifice to give everything we have to keep the hordes of evil out of America?
If we do not take the reins and call to the Ascended Masters for the needed assistance to make our country the Ascended Master Nation of the earth, then all the tremendous efforts and sacrifices of those blessed patriots will have been in vain!
What is most needed in America today to protect Her from the desecration that is intended?
Our government needs officials who will not give an inch to destructive forces. The nation in its infancy would never have survived had it not been for the wisdom and strength of our Beloved George Washington in carrying out the principles back of the laws framed in the Constitution.
Our governmental leaders must tell the truth at all times, no matter what the seeming consequences. You have heard many times that if a person lies once, he'll lie twice, and if he lies twice, he'll three times, etc. That is the reason that there is absolutely no compromise with evil!
Then after the Ascended Masters see that the officials have the courage and are willing to give obedience, the necessary assistance will be given to enable them to always do right.
You have heard many times that the government is the reflection of the minds of the people. Thus, you can see the task that is before us, and what the "I AM" Students have been doing, are doing, and will do to illumine and encourage the American people.
The Victory is in sight! Who knows when just one more ounce of energy will bring our decrees into outer physical manifestation and force the people at large to turn to God?
We have been given the instruction of Beloved Saint Germain, through our Beloved Ascended Messenger Daddy and the untiring efforts of our Beloved Mama, so now it is our right, it is our duty to give ALL FOR AMERICA to throw off the anti-Christ and provide new guards for our future security!
And now let us give all our heart's love and energy to the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host that They may take it up and use it for the Purification of Our Land as we sing, AMERICA, OUR OWN BELOVED LAND and afterwards give our pledge to the flag of the United States of America and the American's Creed.
Beloved Mama, will you please do us the honor to conduct this song?
Excerpt from his 1953 Graduation Speech.