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Hold your Attention on your "Mighty I AM Presence"

Beloved Goddess of Liberty

Sep 16, 1960

"Command the Outer Intellect to remember to call to the "Mighty I AM Presence" first,
... before you do anything in the Physical Octave."


That which I wish to bring to your attention tonight is to command, ask the "Presence," your "Beloved I AM Presence," and the Ascended Host, to command the outer intellect­ to remember to call to the "Mighty I AM Presence" first, and the Ascended Host, before you do anything in the physical octave.

"Break the pull of conditions around you."

    Now if sometimes things in the outer world are pulling upon you with such terrific force that they hold your attention, sometimes for hours, away from your "Beloved I AM Presence," and keep that turmoil pouring into your world through your attention, in order to break that pull of conditions around you that you may be free from their discord, it is imperative that you command the  outer intellect­ to remember to go back to the "Beloved I AM Presence" and call There, and to the Ascended Host, to blaze in and around you whatever forces the  outer intellect­ to remember; because the constant pull of activity in the outer won't let the attention go back to your "Beloved I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host often enough to give you the help that would handle your outer conditions more harmoniously.

The pull of the outer is so incessant that it won't let the intellect go back and remember the Powerhouse that gives it existence. But if you ask your "Mighty I AM Presence" to make you remember to come to It first, you would be surprised how in the midst of outer conditions there would come the awareness again, and the reminder, of the "Presence" above you--your "Beloved I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host's Love to pour into the conditions around you to control them.

"Ask your "Beloved I AM Presence" to make you remember to call to It first."

So long as you fight them, you do not control them; because they are tied to you by the very feeling of struggle and strain connected with that. But when you ask your "Beloved I AM Presence" to make you remember to call to It first, and sending your love There and the Ascended Host, ask the mightiest Sacred Fire in the Universe to control the conditions.

Now this takes you out of the personal contact with conditions that either you resent, or they are limiting, or they are discordant, or they are imposed upon you. But when you ask your "Presence" and the Ascended Host to take you out of them, by all of the God Power needed to set you free, you will find certain forces begin to move into outer action.

"In one wave of the Sacred Fire of Its Violet Flame Love, It can take out of you the feeling of struggle."

Therefore, no matter what the problem is that you must handle in the physical experience, when you seem not to be handling it, ask the "Presence" to come into you and help you to handle it. In one wave of the Sacred Fire of Its Violet Flame Love, It can take out of you the feeling of struggle against the condition that, as yet, you have not mastered. So, instead of becoming discouraged or depressed because you think you are not making progress, and you think you are not able to conquer a situation, go back to your "Presence," your "Beloved I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host, and ask the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host to help you conquer it.

So many times the things that you've struggled under, sometimes for months, or years, and have not seemed to be able to conquer, I tell you, My Loved Ones--and I will watch and help you--some of these conditions that have been your struggle, which are wholly in your feeling world, can be compelled to let go almost overnight, if you will do this.

Beloved Goddess of Liberty, Shasta Springs, California, Sep 17, 1960 - CD 458 - The Voice of the "I AM" - 2014:07:24

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