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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

America's Responsibility is to compel the people's attention back to God

The Great Cosmic Angel on whose Crown Blazes the Word Union

May 20, 1950

“The Future Destiny of your America shall be the Outpicturing of the Permanent Golden Crystal Age to the Earth, whose Love is in Full Immortal Control.”


You, as the people of America, have the Authority to demand the Release of your Nation from all that is not the Cosmic Christ Freedom to the Earth.


You are the people of America! The people are the Government of America!


Therefore, if you want your people to manifest those Flames of Immortal Purity, Immortal Love and Immortal Freedom as the Authority of your Government, you must call them forth by Conscious Command into the outer physical activities of the Nation.


You cannot do this from the physical side by trying to readjust conditions and sometimes exchanging one problem for a dozen others.

“The Cosmic Law cannot Act … until that Fire is prepared.”

Until the Light and the Flames released through your "I AM" Decrees reach a certain momentum, the Cosmic Law cannot act just yet in the outer, until that Fire is prepared, to which We can add Our Cosmic Flame and blaze It into Action in the Cosmic Authority required to shut off certain destructive forces within your borders.


I want you to feel today that the Requirement of the Cosmic Law, under which We act and which We are to the Earth, requires a certain proportion of the Power of the Sacred Fire consciously commanded into dynamic Action in the physical octave; and then We will not wait an instant to amplify That and issue the Cosmic Command to complete the Action required to cleanse the Nation.


You have heard the Statement: "I have weapons that ye know not of"; and if you can understand the Powers of the Sacred Fire from Our Octave, called into the physical octave to go forth as the Authority of the people, not only the Authority within them, but the Authority over them; then there can come to your assistance that which is Boundless Strength to enable your people to arise and take their Immortal Freedom and hold the Commanding Authority of the God-Government of your Nation.

America's Destiny is the ruling Authority and Power of the Sacred Fire to the Earth!

America's Destiny is Immortal Freedom! America's Destiny is the ruling Authority and Power of the Sacred Fire to the Earth!


America's Responsibility is to compel the people's attention back to God; and you are the Open Door and the Scepter of Power by which That moves into outer physical action!


Just as surely as a tiny match can set a forest ablaze, just as surely can your Calls for these Powers of the Sacred Fire to move into the people themselves bring about the Awakening, whereby there goes forth from each individual Life Stream the determination to have Freedom and the Government of Freedom as the only Authority over the people.

The Desire for Freedom within the feelings of the people is the Immortal Flame that shall produce It!

I long ago issued the Fiat that "So long as the stars remain and the Heavens send down dew upon the Earth, so long shall the Union last"; and that "Union" is Union with the God-Presence, the "Mighty I AM" of America.


May I say to you with Cosmic Authority, that the desire for Freedom within the feelings of the people is the Immortal Flame that shall produce It!


That desire for Freedom is innate within all Life, but those who have entered within your borders, who remember their Divine Responsibility, have infinitely greater Power to call that Flame into National Action, to be the Authority of Government within your Land, than those who do not understand their God-Dominion of the "Mighty I AM."

“Command Immortal Flame of Cosmic Christ Freedom be the Government of your Nation.”

When you call forth the Immortal Flame of Cosmic Christ Freedom and command It to be the Government of your Nation, then you have given to your Beloved Master Saint Germain the Scepter of Power and Authority in the physical octave through the people themselves!


Then shall His Flame become alive within individuals and give them the Strength to arise and demand Freedom and the God-Government of Freedom, the only Authority under which they live.


You must demand This! I have already spoken the Fiat for this Nation's Freedom, because America shall remain America forever!


While you are standing will you please accept This, and remember to say It often: “In the Name of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and the Cosmic Authority of the Sacred Fire, that which is not the Immortal Government of Freedom to the Nation shall leave your borders today! The Fiat goes forth!”


Let the Flame blaze, until It fires into Action those within the Nation who take their stand with Herculean Strength and demand the Authority of God's Immortal Freedom to be the Governing Power within all within your borders.

“When you demand the Great Cosmic Christ Flame of Immortal Love govern your Nation as Immortal Freedom, It shall be so!”

 The Hearts of the people have turned to your Flag today, and there is that loyalty within a great proportion of them, who have not been swayed at all by the destructive forces that have usurped the Power and Authority to govern the people.                   


Take your stand and in the Name of the "Mighty I AM Presence" of America, you return America, her people and her resources to the God-Government of Immortal Freedom and demand that all within your borders shall blaze with the Immortal Flame of Cosmic Christ Love until It has done Its Perfect work everywhere.


When you demand the Great Cosmic Christ flame of Immortal Love govern your Nation as Immortal Freedom, It shall be so!

“You may become those who issue that Fiat.”

At no time in the history of the Earth has there ever gone up to the Beings of the Upper Octaves of Life the Demand that the Cosmic Flame of Immortal Love shall be the Government of the people, but you may become those who issue that Fiat and drive It through to the Source of Creation.  


Please follow Me closely, at no time in the history of the Earth has any group of unascended Beings taken the Authority of the "Mighty I AM Presence" of a Nation and demanded the government, the people and the World be returned to the Immortal Government of Cosmic Christ Love!


Never has That been issued upon the face of the Earth in any age.  

The Great Cosmic Angel, May 21, 1950, Chicago, Illinois   - SGC 5111  -

The Voice of the “I AM” 1977:07:4

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