An excerpt from
Jonathan's Speech
Graduation Class of 2016
The “I AM” School has taught me many things in the years that I have been here; things that I could have never dreamed of learning in any other school.
The groundwork given is so much more than academic. The "I AM" School has taught me how to use the Laws of Life and the power of the Ascended Masters’ Laws, which is the true groundwork, for the building of my success. These laws and lessons that I have learned will be with me for the rest of my life and I believe that I should try to pass on what I have learned to help others who come after me.
I have learned not to follow the path designated by others, but to forge my own and in doing so make a lasting impression upon the world. Forging your own path and following your dreams run in tandem with one another. With the help of my “Mighty I AM Presence” and my own strength I can achieve any goal or dream I desire to accomplish.
I truly believe that everyone has what it takes to make their dreams come true, all they have to do is not be afraid to act and make them a reality. No dream is too big or too lofty to come true.
Our Beloved Saint Germain says:
“Now I think I told you in the beginning in the 'I AM' Discourses, that when you desire to do a constructive thing, if it is something that blesses all, STICK TO IT IF THE HEAVENS FALL! Remember that? Well, don't fail to draw with that Desire Our Ascended Master Discrimination and if That combines with your Desire to do it, it is just like - it's just like an arrow that goes ahead of you, shows you the way and makes the pathway for you and enables you to accomplish your Desire much more rapidly and always Victoriously!”
(Saint Germain, Dictation CD 01677)
We thank and bless our Beloved Saint Germain for those words. I will stick to it, Beloved Saint Germain, and make my dreams a reality. I know anything is possible with your help.
My memories of Beloved Saint Germain’s “I AM” School will forever be some of the most priceless and treasured memories I will ever have. My parents have always told me that their years at the “I AM” School were some of the most enjoyable and best years of their lives, I believed them, but I did not truly know what they meant until this moment, and I realize that what they said was completely true.
This is from an article given in the December, 1938, Voice of the “I AM”:
“The years spent in the “I AM” School shall be such a remembrance of joy, of accomplishment, of Victory, and of Freedom, that they stand out forever as a Great Beacon of Happiness and such an anchor of Light that no one will ever want to forget his “I AM” School life.”
I will forever look back upon my years at the “I AM” School with fondness and joy. I know this is just the closing of the first chapter of my life and now it is time to open up the second chapter and continue writing my story. It is time to build upon the groundwork that has already been laid. My time here may be finished, but I will always be here for the “I AM” School and the children attending it.
Beloved Saint Germain, I thank You most of all for bringing me here to your School, I thank You for keeping me here, and I am eternally grateful to You and for You. You are the One who chose me and helped me grow and become the person I am today.
These are His words:
“You are My Family. I love you as if you were my own sons and daughters. Mankind who will give response to this Light belong to Me, belong to the Light, belong to the Great Host of Light; for you are the Children of the Light. I love you tremendously.”
(The Voice of the “I AM,” 1997.05:13)
Thank you Beloved Saint Germain for making me a part of Your Family; no words can truly express how grateful I am for You and for these years You have given me at your “I AM” School; and for the laying of the groundwork that has put me on a path of success, victory, and perfection.
Excerpt from his 2016 Graduation Speech.