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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

of the establishment of the
In 1983, the Library of Congress recognized the "I AM" Religious Activity of the Saint Germain Foundation as a religion (not a sect or cult). In doing so, they provided a separate series of numbers for the filing of all religious materials of the "I AM" Religious Activity in the highest category available in the Library of Congress.
The Library of Congress of the United States of America only recognizes religious groups as a religion after they have been in existence for more than fifty years and in cases where the organization is continuing to grow after its founders are deceased. The "I AM" Religious Activity of the Saint Germain Foundation met both of these tests.
The Voice of the "I AM" 1995:02:45
These Messengers "went forth without a dollar and won their Victory every step of the way by the most powerful, dynamic Application of this exact Law which is before you - that beat down the walls of human obstruction for more than a year - almost a year and a half. They went together through that wall to carry this Light to blessed humanity, and more than two hundred and fifty thousand today are being freed by this Application! Dear Ones, that is Divine Love!"
Beloved Saint Germain
The Voice of the "I AM" 1992:05:13
Aug 11, 1930
Aug 16, 1930

Aug 19-23, 1930
MOUNT SHASTA, California.
After boarding a Greyhound bus from Los Angeles and stepping off in the remote town of Weed, Guy Ballard takes a room in the small northern California town, Mount Shasta.
Guy Ballard, together with the local postmaster and principal of the high school, make an overnight trek up the fourteen-thousand-foot mountain peak.
Guy Ballard meets a 'young Man' who handed him - out of the atmosphere - a "Crystal Cup" of sparkling liquid. After hearing a marvelous Discourse on the Inner Actions of the Law of Law and witnessing a second demonstration of precipitation, Guy realized this person must be one of the marvelous Ascended Masters, though he could not identify him.
When the Master changed His appearance, Mr Ballard recognized Beloved Saint Germain. Then began a series of vivid experiences documented in his Book, Unveiled Mysteries. [1934]
Jan 26, 1931
DENVER, Colorado.
Guy Ballard arrives in Denver. There commences the tremendous experiences that form his second Book, The Magic Presence. [1935]
Jan-Jun, 1932
Guy Ballard returns to Chicago after his experiences in the West. Months go by without contact with the Master - Beloved Saint Germain. He wondered what he had to do about his experiences with Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters, and what his family was to do in the forthcoming Expansion of the Light.
One afternoon in June on his return from an errand in the city, as usual he walked through the tunnel under the train tracks at Illinois Central. As he walked up the ramp to the street, there appeared in front of him this small brilliant green light. That was his sign, he felt certain. He knew at last that Saint Germain would contact him.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p11.
Beloved Beatrice "Bee" Rowe's personal recollections.
Jun 6, 1932

One morning, soon after his experience with this appearance of the small brilliant green light, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and their son Donald were standing near the door to their dining room. They felt a tremendous Vibratory Action charged into the room.
From within this Ray they heard the Voice of the Beloved Saint Germain saying: "We would like to dictate a series of Discourses, should you care to cooperate. Take time to think it over and let Me know." Mrs Ballard answered immediately, "We are ready to begin now!" "Very well, We will begin next week!" Saint Germain replied.
- Ascended Master Instruction Vol. 4:viii-ix.
CHICAGO, Illinois.
The earliest known Discourse - "On Visualization" is given over the visible Light and Sound Ray on Monday in the dining room of the Ballard's brick bungalow home on Chicago's far south side. The visible Light and Sound Ray from the east touched the table, and all present heard Beloved Saint Germain's Voice. They could see the Master at the other end of the Ray of Light.**
Mrs. Ballard copied down each Discourse in longhand, later completing it in typed form, which would be read to a selected group of Students assembled at the next meeting.
This first Discourse was published in The Voice of the "I AM" April, 1936:13. These early Discourses were directed to the family and their current Students who attended in groups of seven.*
Some of the people privileged to hear Beloved Saint Germain in this way were Paul Stickle, Beatrice "Bee" Rowe, Helen Smith from Philadelphia, William "Bill" Cassiere, Muriel Bliss and Mrs. Petit.**
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p13.
*Beloved Beatrice "Bee" Rowe's personal recollections.
**Beloved Virgilyn Brown's personal recollections.
Jun 13, 1932

CHICAGO, Illinois.
On Monday at 1.00 P.M., Beloved Saint Germain begins the series of thirty-three Discourses on the Great Creative Word "I AM," first published as The "I AM" Discourses Volume 3 in 1935. The visible Light and Sound Ray Radiating the Ascended Master's Words and Consciousness comes twice to several times* a week.
Small classes are held in the living room of the Ballard's home. Occasionally a complete Discourse was distributed for individual study. Several groups of seven students are formed over the next two years.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p13-14.
*Beloved Beatrice "Bee" Rowe's personal recollections.
Oct 3, 1932
Dec 29, 1932
CHICAGO, Illinois.
Saint Germain announces to the Ballards that He would discontinue the weekly Instruction until the current manuscripts were completed by Mrs. Ballard. In Discourse XXVI of Volume 3 he states, "It is so important that the students have the benefit of the manuscripts that We must discontinue the Instruction until they are completed, for according to their ability to accept that which is illustrated in the manuscripts will the "Great Judge" determine what shall next be given. We may not under any circumstances take the student beyond the point where is well fortified."
- The "I AM" Discourses Volume 3, Discourse XXVI:303-4.

CHICAGO, Illinois.
A flyer is circulated across the metaphysical bookstores in Chicago announcing the printing of Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King - the pen-name of Guy Ballard. A slender volume of two hundred and sixty pages bound in an embossed green cloth featuring a previously unpublished Picture of Beloved Saint Germain.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p15.
Spring, 1934
Jul 25, 1934
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania.
A businessman in Philadelphia, Mr. Harry Sieber after reading Unveiled Mysteries, writes to the Ballards and is invited to come to Chicago for a private ten-day class. He then arranges for the Ballards to conduct a public Class in Philadelphia in October. Ms. Elizabeth Jack, who had also visited Chicago, invites them to stay at her apartment.
After explaining to their landlord about the opportunity to spread this Great Light, they were sent off with his blessing, boarding the Golden Arrow train a few days later.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p17.

Beloved Arcturus' Discourse on the Inner Activities that occurred during the preceding evening at the Music Festival held at Soldier Field, Chicago as part of the Century of Progress Exposition. He proclaimed "This has made Soldier Field sacred ground, a Sacred Alter of Divine Activity in the Western World, and so far as humanity at large is concerned, the hub of the whole of America."
He added, "During the singing of the "Holy City," the Divine Pattern of that which is to become the " Holy City upon earth" was lowered into Its position, where It shall remain - until It becomes a visible, vibrant City of Light to the westward."
He revealed further that, "The representation of signing the Declaration of Independence, was to bring before the conscious attention of the earth and especially America, its unparalleled activity upon the earth; and to call it to the attention of the people of America, that they might hold close to and stand by the Original Constitution of the United States, which was and is a Divine Creation; until such time as the complete Ascended Master Constitution of the United States of America shall come forth, as the advance of the Golden Age proceeds."
He described, "The Golden Eagle and the Shield represent the Height of Divine Protection for America again reestablished." And, "The Bell of Liberty in the power color of blue, represents the Glorious Liberty and Freedom forever for America and the earth, from all human selfishness; the instigator of which in every case is private profit and the cause has been the same throughout the ages."
He issued a Fiat at that time: "If it be necessary for the protection of America, the Jewel in the Heart of God, then that 'Blazing Light as of a Thousand Suns' shall descend upon the Earth and consume all human inharmony and selfishness from the planet."
- The "I AM" Discourses Volume 3, Discourse XXIX:329-334.
Aug 19, 1934

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania.
A Historic First Public Class is held over ten days at the St. James Hotel, Walnut and 13th Streets in central Philadelphia. On the first day the Class drew forty people. Each evening, Mr Ballard spoke about the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and Mrs Ballard on the use of the Violet Consuming Flame.
The audience grew each night and at the end of each meeting, the Ballards - as Accredited Messengers of Beloved Saint Germain - answered questions from individuals who stepped forward to meet them on the platform.
Half of that audience smelt the fragrance of the roses yet there were no roses in the room and none of the audience wore rose perfume. It was revealed in a subsequent Dictation by the Beloved Rose of Light in Chicago on 20 December 1949 that the first audiences were privileged to receive the Radiation of some tremendous Blessings. "Beloved Nada, the Lady Master Nada, shed Her Love into that room to help protect the Messengers way and to carry the Work forward. She gave the Essence of Her Love and became the fragrance of the rose. And the strength which She gave then is still expanding within those Life Streams who are still in the Activity and most of them are, that were in that first Class."
- The Voice of the "I AM" March, 2004:27. - SGC 5141.
Note: "Beloved Lady Master Nada has been Ascended 2, 700 years. She Ascended 700 years before Beloved Jesus did." The Voice of the "I AM" 2006:07:33, CD-0185.
Oct 10-19, 1934
Oct 21-31, 1934
The Second Public Class is held over eleven days at the Breslin Hotel, 1186 Broadway.
Nov 8-15, 1934

BOSTON, Massachusetts.
The Third Public Class is held over eight days at the S.S Pierce Building, Huntington Avenue.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania.
The Fourth Public Class is held for a second time in Philadelphia. On Thanksgiving morning, Beloved Saint Germain dictated to the Messengers in private. That evening his Discourse [subsequently printed at Discourse XXX in Volume 3] is read from Mrs Ballard's handwritten transcript to the Class.
Beloved Saint Germain remarked that it was "one of the greatest days of thanksgiving that I have experienced in one hundred years," adding that "great protection has been given to the eastern coast - from Philadelphia to Maine."
- The "I AM" Discourses Volume 3, Discourse XXX:335;337.
Nov 29, 1934
Dec 2-11, 1934

Dec 12, 1934 - Jan 1, 1935
The Fifth Public Class is held for ten days for a second time in New York, this time at the Latham Hotel, 4E. 28th Street. At this Class, a gentleman asked Mr. Ballard for permission to start a Study Group in Newalk, New Jersey. Another Student offered her home for a meeting place until the Group rented space in a hotel.
Successive generations have sustained that first Group to this day.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p74.
The Ballards remain in New York City. Three Discourses are given over the visible Light and Sound Ray to the Ballards during that period - Beloved Saint Germain's Christmas Day Discourse XXXI, Beloved Jesus' New Year, Discourse XXXII, and Beloved Saint Germain's Description of New Year's Eve Conclave at the Royal Teton, Discourse XXXIII.
- The "I AM" Discourses Volume 3, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII: 339;348;361.

Jan 3-12, 1935
Jan 20-29, 1935
Feb 1-10, 1935
Feb 19-28, 1935
Mar 23-25, 1935

Apr 5 - Aug 4, 1935
The Ballards open their first Public Class in the Nation's capital, their Sixth in total. The schedule covers ten days in the Hamilton Hotel on 14th and K Street NW, Washington D.C. Beloved Jesus stated subsequently in Oakland in 1939, "Will you observe the Wisdom of Saint Germain in taking the Messengers to certain points to distribute this Power and Radiance throughout the United States? The Messengers were like babes when He took them forth. Would you not have thought that Wisdom would have taken them to the smaller place, until they became accustomed to the work? He took them into the Cradle of Liberty of America! And there their wings came into action.
- The Voice of the "I AM" 1939-04:24.
The Ballards are invited to come to the State of Florida. Their Seventh Public Class is held for ten days in West Palm Beach at the El Verano Hotel, N. Flager Drive and 1st Street. A new student in West Palm Beach - the Artist, May De Camara offered to paint a large version on canvas of the Chart of the Mighty I AM Presence.
The six feet high by forty inches wide oil painting was mounted on dowel rods so as to be easily rolled up; and was hung as a backdrop of the stage, or alternatively on a easel. Mr. Ballard would stand next to the Chart, and holding a pointer, explain the relationship of the Electronic Body to the physical self.
Also present in that historic West Palm Beach Class was Betty Mundy who became the short-hand stenographer for transcribing the Dictations given by the Ascended Masters as they were given over the visible Light and Sound Ray.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p25.
MIAMI, Florida.
The Eighth Public Class is held for ten days at 330 NW Eighth Avenue. From this beginning, several small Study Groups emerged in various locations in and around downtown Miami. It was not until 1940 under the direction of Mrs Ballard that these small groups coalesced into one Group and began to hold their Group meetings in one location in downtown Miami.
- "I AM" Calendar Sept, 2024
The Ninth Public Class is held for ten days at the Grand Hotel, Pass-A-Grille Beach. Mrs Ballard wrote a message of thank you to the renowned Artist, May De Camara from the Hotel on March 6, 1935 whom had just completed the original work of the large 6-foot Chart of the 'Mighty I AM Presence' in just two months.
The inscription on the canvas reads: "Inspiration from Arthur Brooks' Painting. De Camera, 1935." Standing before the painting, one can identify twelve circles of colours, including two shades of violet, with two circles of blue inside the main Circle and another two at the edge. The Rays on the head of the Upper Figure form a Cap of Light.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p199.
DALLAS, Texas.
The Tenth Public Class is held for three days at the Jefferson Hotel, 312 S. Houston.
LOS ANGELES, California.
A series of Ten Historic Public Classes are held across the West Coast of America. Beginning with a ten-day Public Class on Apr 5-15, 1935 followed by a second ten-day Public Class on Apr 22 - May 2, both being held in Los Angeles. The Classes quickly outgrew the original Friday Morning Club venue at 940 S. Figueroa Street which began with six hundred people in regular attendance, the overflow of attendees requiring it to be moved to the Trinity Auditorium on 843 S. Grand Avenue - a venue boasting the largest pipe organ in the Western United States.
In that first Los Angeles audience, a distinguished artist - Charles Sindelar - was present. The Ballards asked if they could display his portrait of the Ascended Jesus in their Classes and permission was quickly given. The Ballards also requested whether he could paint Beloved Saint Germain's Portrait which he assented to, the Picture being first unveiled in the May 19-28, 1935 Public Class in San Francisco. The following year he designed and began publication of the monthly periodical magazine - The Voice of the "I AM."
Other notable attendees in the first Los Angeles audiences included Harry Rogers - a prominent early Leader of one of the dozens of study groups that emerged in southern California and who became the editor of the Saint Germain Press and Beatrice "Bee" Rowe - who became the chief writer and director of the "I AM" Come Pageant, the "I AM" Pageant of the Angels and the Deliverer Play.
A two-day Public Class on May 4-5, 1935 followed in Santa Barbara at the Recreation Center, 100 E. Carrillo where an audience of eighteen hundred awaited them.
The Ballards went on to conduct a ten-day Public Class on May 19-28, 1935 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium in San Francisco at 1270 Sutter Street.
Virgilyn Brown of Oakland recalls, " Since the first meeting of this Class was during the afternoon, my father could not attend due to his employment. He asked my mother to go and "see if it is real." Mother and I went to the Friday afternoon opening meeting in the Scottish Rite Temple on Sutter and Van Ness Streets, the entrance being on Sutter. We met in a small auditorium downstairs. At this meeting Mr. Ballard wore a white suit and Mrs. Ballard, a white dress. Max Gyzi made the introductions. Betty Mundy handled book sales - only Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence (just released) were for sale.
"After the meeting people could go up to Mr. and Mrs. Ballard to ask questions. Mother and I went up after the meeting and she asked Mr. Ballard, “Is that the body that the panther guarded"? He threw back his head and laughed. He said, "Yes." Then he added, "AND THESE ARE THE HANDS THAT ASSISTED DAVID LLOYD TO THE ASCENSION."
She recollects, "In that small auditorium in the Scottish Rite Temple at my very first Class, the first time I saw the Ballards, Mr. Ballard made two points which I still clearly remember. There was a light bulb burning on the platform near Mr Ballard which he covered with a dark cloth so you could not see the light anymore. He then told us that this is what we have done to the Light in our bodies. Now we must use the Violet Consuming Flame to consume that which we have imposed on the Points of Light in our bodies so the Light will shine through." **
SEATTLE, Washington
A ten-day Public Class followed in Seattle, Washington at the Chamber of Commerce Hall, 215 Columbia Street on June 4-13, 1935.
LOS ANGELES, California
The Ballards returned to Los Angeles at the Trinity Auditorium for a two-day Public Class July 7-8, 1935 followed by a ten-day Public Class in Pasadena, July 10-16 at the Shakespeare Club, 230 S. Los Robles Avenue.
LONG BEACH, California
This was followed by a ten-day Public Class in Long Beach held at the New Masonic Temple, 835 Locust Avenue on July 19-23, 1935.
SAN DIEGO, California
A ten-day Public Class was then held in San Diego, July 28 - Aug 4, 1935 at the Silver Gate Masonic Temple on 3795 Utah Avenue.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p75.
Beloved Beatrice "Bee" Rowe's personal recollections.
**Beloved Virgilyn Brown's personal recollections.
Aug 16-25, 1935
LOS ANGELES, California
The culmination of the West Coast tour was another historic ten-day class in Los Angeles. This was held for the first time at the 6,700 seat Shrine Civic Auditorium on 665 W. Jefferson Street, Los Angeles on August 16-25, 1935.
A leaflet distributed the following year at the July 1936 Shrine Class, listed sixty weekly Group meetings being conducted in Los Angeles and twenty-one more in the vicinity. There was not a day in the week in the Los Angeles area without three or four Group Meetings, daytime and evening, being held across dozens of locations - in Wiltshire, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Fullerton, Laguna Beach, Santa Barbara and Long Beach.
Jul 20, 1935
LONG BEACH, California.
The "I AM" Discourses, Volume 3 by the Ascended Master Saint Germain [1935] is completed at Long Beach, California by Mr. and Mrs Ballard with the assistance of their secretary Betty Mundy.
Sep 2 - Dec 2, 1935
KANSAS CITY, Missouri.
A further series of Six Public Classes are given by the Ballards while making their return to the East Coast. A seven-day Public Class is held Sept 2-8, 1935 in Kansas City at the Athenaeum Club, 665 W. Jefferson Street; followed by a one-day Public Class at the Chamber of Commerce, Richardson Building, 501 St. Clair Street in Toledo, Ohio on Sept 28, 1935.
A third ten-day Public Class was then held in New York City on Oct 4-13, 1936 at the Engineering Auditorium, 29 W. 39th Street; while a second ten-day Public Class was held in Boston, Massachusetts, at the John Hancock Hall on Oct 18-27, 1935.
The Traveling Staff of the Messengers is now in place, their being eight in number including the Ballards in total.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia was blessed to hold its third ten-day Public Class at the Majestic Hotel, Broad and Girard Avenue on Nov 8-17, 1935.
Finally, the second ten-day class is held in Washington D.C. on Nov 22-Dec 2, 1935 just as it had begun the year; this time at the Masonic Temple on 13th Street and New York NW.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] appendix 2 p66.
Jan 12-21, 1936

Feb 6-16, 1936
LOS ANGELES, California.
After the Washington Class was completed on Dec 2, 1935, the Messengers and Staff returned to Los Angeles over Christmas to prepare for the 2nd Shrine Auditorium Class held January 12-21, 1936. Two private Discourses are given in Los Angeles by Beloved Jesus on Christmas Day, and Beloved Saint Germain on New Years Day. These are printed in the first issue of The Voice of the "I AM" 1936, Special Issue/Feb.
With the start of the New Year, a ten-day Public Class was held for the second time at the Shrine Auditorium at 665 West Jefferson Street in Los Angeles commencing on January 12 through to January 21 with two meetings a day, afternoons at 1:30pm and evenings at 7:30pm, as usual.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] p27.
SAN FRANCISCO, California.
The Ballards begin their Fourteen City Coast-to-Coast Tour, starting with a ten-day Public Class in San Francisco Feb 6-16, 1936 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium on 1270 Sutter Street. It was here on Friday, February 14, that Beloved Saint Germain gave the first Dictation before a Public Audience.
Beloved Saint Germain marked the significance stating, "At last, the Great Cosmic Law has permitted this unusual Assistance to come to the outer world; for It has never been given before except in the Retreats of the world, and then, only to a few."
- The Voice of the "I AM" 1936, Special Issue 3:23
Feb 20-Apr 12, 1936
STOCKTON, California
The second city on the Coast-to-Coast tour was Stockton, where a ten-day Public Class followed on February 20-31, 1936 at the High School Auditorium on San Joaquin and Harding Street.
SAN DIEGO, California
March 4-11 found the Messengers in San Diego, the third city of their tour, for a eight-day Public Class at the Silver Gate Masonic Temple. Beloved Saint Germain gave his next two Dictations there on March 11, 1936 printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1990:11.
PHOENIX, Arizona
Afterwards, the Ballards were in Phoenix, Arizona on March 18-24, 1936 the fourth city of their tour, for a seven-day Public Class at the Masonic Temple on 4th Avenue and Monroe.
PASADENA, California
The Ballards then returned to Los Angeles for an Easter Class, April 2-12, 1936 at Pasadena's Shakespeare Club, 230 S. Los Robes Avenue.
On Easter Day Sunday April 12, Beloved Saint Germain gave two Dictations at Pasadena, printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:05:7 reprinted 1980:09, and 1936:06:19 reprinted 1987:07.
GLENDALE, California
On Easter morning all attendees were invited to the Sunrise Service on the tranquil grounds of the Oakmont Country Club in nearby Glendale. The Messengers with the Staff and many invited Group Leaders stood on a terrace before an audience of several hundred.
There at this Sunrise Service in Glendale, Beloved Jesus gave his first Dictation to a Public Audience, printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:05:1
Apr 20-Jul 5, 1936
The sixth city on the 2nd Coast-to-Coast tour was Salt Lake City, where a seven-day Public Class followed on April 20-26, 1936 at the Utah Hotel, Layayette ballroom on S. Temple.
The Ballards then made there way to the seventh city on their tour - Portland, Oregon for a ten-day Public Class at the Masonic Temple on W.Park Street and Main on May 15-24, 1936.
SEATTLE, Washington
Seattle, Washington followed as the seventh city on May 29-June 7, 1936 for a ten-day Public Class at the Music Hall Theatre on 7th and Olive Way. Beloved Saint Germain gave a Dictation on the last day of the Class - June 7, printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:07:19
LOS ANGELES, California
On June 17 the Messengers were back in Los Angeles where the Beloved Great Divine Director spoke for the first time to an Evening Class audience at the Sindelar's Group at the White Temple. The Ascended Ones could attune Their Consciousness to Beloved Godfre and Flash Their Instructions before him in "Letters of Living Light." He then read them out to the audience. The Great Divine Director's Dictation is also printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:07:12.
On Thursday evening, June 25, Beloved Oromasis Prince of the Fiery Element spoke for the first time at the Roger's Group in Los Angeles and projected his intense Golden Flame of Divine Love. This dictation is printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:08:19.
From June 27-July 5, 1936 a ten-day Public Class was held for the Third time at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. Beloved Saint Germain spoke to the general audience four times on July 3rd, 5th (twice) and 12th. These dictation's are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:09 and 1991:04.

Beloved Saint Germain sends the Ballards to Honolulu, where an extraordinary Action for the protection of the Earth is accomplished during their visit. It concerned the control of the gas belts under the Pacific.
On Sunday August 2, 1936 on the second floor of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Beloved Saint Germain explained the import of the Messengers' visit and what it meant for their Life-Streams. This historic dictation is printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:10.
Aug 2, 1936
Aug 21-Nov 29, 1936
San Francisco was again blessed with a ten-day Public Class at the Scottish Rite Auditorium on 1270 Sutter Street from August 21 to 30, 1936. On August 26, for the first time in a Public Class the Unfed Flame was projected. Beloved Saint Germain gave four Dictations on August 24, 30th (twice) and 31st. These dictations are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:10.
KANSAS CITY, Missouri.
Kansas City was visited again on Sep 21-27, 1936 with a seven-day Public Class at the Ivanhoe Masonic Temple, Linwood at Park Avenue. Beloved Saint Germain gave two Dictations on the final day September 27th. These dictation's are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:11.
ST LOUIS, Missouri.
St Louis, Missouri was the 11th City to be visited by the Ballards on the 2nd Coast-to-Coast Tour with a eight-day Public Class Oct 5-12, 1936 at the Municipal Auditorium, 1400 Market Street. Beloved Saint Germain gave two Dictations on the final day October 12th. These dictation's are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:12.
The tour then went onto Cincinnati, Ohio for a nine-day Public Class on October 19-27, 1936 at the Cincinnati Music Hall, Elm Street between 12th and 13th. Again, Beloved Saint Germain gave two Dictations on the final day October 27th. For the first time he commended the Messengers in public. These dictation's are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:12.
Cleveland, Ohio was visited on November 9-15, 1936 for a seven-day Public Class at the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Auditorium, St. Clair Avenue at Ontario Street. Beloved Saint Germain gave three Dictations on November 12 and 16 (twice). He remarked about "finding so many old friends of long, long ago" - Life Streams from the Civilization of seventy years ago. These dictation's are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:01.
DETROIT, Michigan
Finally Detroit, Michigan was added as the 14th City to be visited for a seven-day Public Class on November 23-29, 1936 at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, at Temple Avenue and Second Boulevard. Beloved Saint Germain gave two Dictations on November 27 and 29. These dictation's are printed in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:02. and 1937:06.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] appendix 2 p67.
Dec 24, 1936 - Jan 3, 1937
LOS ANGELES, California.
In December 1936, the first "I AM" Ascended Master Miracle Christmas Class takes place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, the fourth time the 6,700 seat venue was used.
In a tradition that has continued for eighty-eight years ever since, the Class began on Christmas Eve, at 11:30pm and the ten-days that followed brought "the Class into activity during the most intense Outpouring of the Seven Transcendent Weeks from Jesus, the Ascended Masters, and the Great Host of Light." - The Voice of the "I AM" 1936:11:42.
Beloved Saint Germain and Beloved Jesus dictated in "Letters of Living Light" on January 1 and January 3, 1937. These dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:02. and 1947:02; and Volume 6, Discourse I and Volume 7, Discourse II of the Saint Germain Series.
The Ascended Masters, some of whom were present at every Class and who had watched the ever-growing Expansion of the Light, expressed Their Gratitude to the large number of "I AM" Students in California, who made it possible to carry the Work across the country.
Beloved Kuthumi marked the significance stating, "I want you to know today how much the Freedom of America, the Protection of America, has been held by your wondrous Application here. The people of California have made it possible for much to be done which otherwise would have been impossible."
- Ascended Master Light Volume 7, Kuthumi's Discourse XVII Los Angeles, December 19, 1937, pg 329
Feb 4, 1937 - Jun 9, 1937
The first city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was San Francisco, where a ten-day Public Class was held on Feb 4-13, 1937 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium on 1270 Sutter Street. Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director dictated here on Feb 13, 1937. These dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:03. and Volume 6, Discourse 4 and Volume 8, Discourse II of the Saint Germain Series.
The second city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was the city of Dallas, where a seven-day Public Class followed on Feb 21-Mar 2, 1937 at the Jefferson Hotel on 312 S.Houston. Beloved Saint Germain dictated on Mar 2 ,1937 where he identified as the location of a part of the civilization of seventy thousand years ago which He had directed. The Great Divine Director also dictated the same day in the morning. These dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1947:02. and Volume 8, Discourse III of the Saint Germain Series.
The third city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was West Palm Breach, where a two-day Public Class was held on Mar 6-7, 1937 at the George Washington Hotel, N. Flager Drive and 1st Street.
GLENDALE, California
The fourth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was Glendale, where Easter Sunrise Service was held at 6 am on Mar 28, 1937 at the Oakmont Country Club. Beloved Jesus offered his discourse that can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:03. Beloved Bob was the first of the four children to give a discourse two days earlier at Glendale on Friday Mar 26, 1937. This dictation can be found Volume 6, Discourse XV of the Saint Germain Series.
LOS ANGELES, California
The fifth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was Los Angeles, where a nine-day Public Class followed on Mar 27-Apr 4, 1937 at the Pan Pacific Auditorium, 7600 Beverley Boulevard. Both Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director dictated there on Apr 4, 1937. These dictations can both be found Volume 6, Discourse XVI and XVII of the Saint Germain Series.
NEW YORK, New York
The sixth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was New York, where a eleven-day Public Class followed on Apr 24-May 4, 1937 at the Engineering Auditorium, 29 W. 39th Street. Again, both Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director dictated there on May 4, 1937. The dictation of the Great Divine Director can be found Volume 8, Discourse IV of the Saint Germain Series.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania
The seventh city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was Philadelphia, where a ten-day Public Class followed on May 14-23, 1937 at the Metropolitan Opera House. Again, both Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director dictated there on May 23, 1937. The dictation of the Great Divine Director can be found Volume 8, Discourse VI of the Saint Germain Series.
DETROIT, Michigan
The eighth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was Detroit, where a ten-day Public Class followed on May 29-Jun 7, 1937 at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, at Temple Avenue and Second Boulevard. Both Beloved Saint Germain and the Great Divine Director dictated there on Jun 7, 1937. The dictation of the Great Divine Director can be found Volume 8, Discourse VII of the Saint Germain Series. Beloved Saint Germain's dictation can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1997:06.
The ninth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was Cleveland, where a one-day Public Class followed on June 9, 1937 at the Masonic Temple. The Great Divine Director dictated there on Jun 9, 1937. This dictation can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:07.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] appendix 2 p68.
Jul 2-11, 1937

Aug, 1937
Beloved Sanat Kumara dictated here twice on Jul 5, and Jul 11, 1937. This was only the second and third time he had dictated and the first time to a public audience. Beloved Saint Germain dictated on Jul 7, and Jul 8, 1937. Beloved Sanat Kumara's dictations can be found in he Voice of the "I AM" 1943:01 and Volume 7, Discourse V of the Saint Germain Series. Beloved Saint Germain's dictations can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1992:02 and 1992:03.
The Ascended Master Discourses, Volume 6 [1937] is published. In addition to discourses from Beloved Saint Germain, here were the words of the Great Ones who had early associated with Him: Beloved Nada, the Great Divine Director, the Mighty Elohim Arcturus, Cha Ara, Mighty Victory - the Tall Master from Venus, the old man who made his Ascension on the side of Mount Shasta - now identified as Beloved David Lloyd, the family from The Magic Presence - Mr. Rayborn and Nada Rayborn and the Four Children - Bob, Rex, Nada and Pearl, and Beloved Meru, God of the Andes. Beloved Meta, the Mother of Cha Ara's dictation given at the "I AM" School in Los Angeles.
Apr 24, 1937-Dec 23, 1937
The tenth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was again San Francisco, where a ten-day Public Class was held on Jul 22- Aug 1, 1937 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium on 1270 Sutter Street. Beloved Saint Germain (twice)and the Great Divine Director dictated here on Aug 1, 1937. These dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:09 and 1937:10 and Volume 8, Discourse X of the Saint Germain Series. Earlier on Jul 26, 1937 Beloved Sanat Kumara dictated at Muir Woods in the afternoon, before the evening Public Class at the auditorium. These two dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1985:07 and 1941:11.
SEATTLE, Washington
The eleventh city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was the city of Seattle, where a ten-day Public Class followed on Aug 13-22, 1937 at the Music Hall Theatre, 7th and Olive Way. The Great Divine Director dictated on Aug 15 and Aug 21, 1937. These two dictation's can be found in Volume 8, Discourse XI and XII of the Saint Germain Series. On Aug 22, 1937 three Ascended Masters dictated - Beloved Jesus, Beloved Saint Germain and Beloved Bob. These three dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1941:12, 1992:06, and 1996:09.
BOSTON, Massachusetts
The twelfth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was West Palm Breach, where a ten-day Public Class was held on Sep 24-Oct 3, 1937 at the Jordon Hall, New England Conservatory of Music. Beloved Pearl dictated on Sep 26, 1937, while the Great Divine Director dictated on Sep 30 and Oct 3, 1937. Beloved Saint Germain also dictated Oct 3, 1937 there. These four dictation's can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1991:11, Volume 8, Discourse XIII of the Saint Germain Series, The Voice of the "I AM"1937:11, and 198310.
NEW YORK, New York
The thirteen city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was New York, where a ten-day Public Class followed on Oct 15- 24, 1937 at the Engineering Auditorium, 29 W. 39th Street. On Oct 17, 1937 Beloved Bob dictated followed by Beloved Jesus, and Beloved Saint Germain on Oct 24, 1937 . These three dictation's can be found in Volume 12, Discourse II of the Saint Germain Series, The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:12, Volume 11, Discourse I of the Saint Germain Series and also The Voice of the "I AM"1992:09.
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania
The fourteenth city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was Philadelphia, where a ten-day Public Class followed on Nov 5-14, 1937 at the Metropolitan Opera House. The Great Divine Director , followed by Mighty Victory and Beloved Saint Germain three days later dictated there on Nov 11, and Nov 14, 1937. The dictation can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1937:12, 1981:06 , Volume 11, Discourse II of the Saint Germain Series and also The Voice of the "I AM"1982:11.
The fifteenth and final city on the 3rd Coast-to-Coast tour was West Palm Breach, where a ten-day Public Class was held on Nov 26-Dec 5, 1937 at the First Methodist Church, Hibiscous and Rosemary Street. Beloved Saint Germain dictated on Dec 4, 1937 there, followed by the Goddess of Liberty and Beloved Saint Germain again on Dec 5, 1937. The three dictation can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1992:12, 1938:01 , and 1992:12.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] appendix 2 p68.
Dec 23, 1937 - Jan 2, 1938
LOS ANGELES, California
In December 1937, the second "I AM" Ascended Master Miracle Christmas Class takes place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, the sixth time the 6,700 seat venue was used. Beloved Jesus dictated on Christmas Eve, while on Jan 2, 1938, three Masters dictated - Beloved Saint Germain, The Great Tenor for the first time, and the Goddess of Liberty.
Three of the four dictations can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1976:12, Volume 7, Discourse XXI of the Saint Germain Series, and The Voice of the "I AM" 1986:04.
- The History of the "I AM" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation [2003] appendix 2 p68.
Jan 28, 1938 - Jun 12, 1938

Jun 30, 1938
Ascended Master Light, Volume 7 [1938] is published. One of the largest volumes ever published by the Saint Germain Press at 531 pages, it contains 26 discourses continuing from where Volume 6 ends in April 1937.
The dates chronicled the Ballard's continuation of the Third Public Tour in 1937 from the East Coast in Philadelphia across the country and back again twelve months later, concluding with Beloved Moyra El's Dictation in New York City on May 15 1938.
The volume contains many firsts, including the first dictations given by:
Beloved Leto in Pasadena Jan 17, 1937;
Beloved Chananda in Los Angeles Jan 20, 1937;
Mighty Astrea - one of the Lords of Karma - in Philadelphia Nov 1, 1937;
Two Gods of the Mountains - God Tabor in Los Angeles Jun 27, 1937 and
God Himalaya in Pasadena also Jun 27, 1937;
Lord Maitreya in New York Oct 13, 1937;
Beloved Cyclopea in New York Oct 10, 1937;
Mighty Pelleur in Greenwich Village, New York Oct 8, 1937;
The Goddess of Liberty in New York Oct 13, 1937
Beloved Hilarion in Long Beach, California Dec 17, 1937;
Beloved Kuthumi in Los Angeles, California Dec 19, 1937;
The Great Tenor Los Angeles, California Jan 2, 1938
Beloved Serapis Bey in San Francisco, California Jan 23, 1938 and
The Goddess of Light in Kansas City, Missouri Feb 16, 1938.
Jul 1 - 17, 1938
Aug 25, 1938 - Nov 25, 1938
Dec 23, 1938 - Jan 8, 1939
LOS ANGELES, California
In December 1938, the third"I AM" Ascended Master Miracle Christmas Class takes place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, the eighth time the 6,700 seat venue was used. For Seventeen Days, Public audiences were able to hear and feel the Mighty Wisdom and Light bought forth from the Great Ones.
The Goddess of Light dictated on Christmas Eve, while on Christmas Day, 1938, three Masters dictated - Mighty Victory, Beloved Jesus, and the Mr. Rayborn. Beloved Saint Germain dictated on Dec 29 and again on Dec 31, 1938. Mighty Victory dictated in the evening of Dec 31, 1938.
On Jan 1, 1939 The Goddess of Purity and Beloved K17 dictated for the first time, as well as Beloved David Lloyd. On Jan 2, 5, and 6, 1939 Beloved Bob, Beloved Saint Germain and Beloved K17 dictated.
Finally on Jan 8, 1939 the Great Divine Director and the Lord Maha Cohan dictated.
In all, 15 Dictations were given during the seventeen day class.
Thirteen of the fifteen dictations can be found in The Voice of the "I AM" 1939:01e, 1940:08, 1975:12, 1995:07, 1939:01, Volume 11, Discourse XIV of the Saint Germain Series, The Voice of the "I AM" 1939:02, Volume 10, Discourse XI and Volume 12, Discourse X of the Saint Germain Series, The Voice of the "I AM" 1943:05, Volume 8, Discourse XXIV of the Saint Germain Series and The Voice of the "I AM" 1943:01.
Feb 17, 1939 - Jun 10, 1939
Jun 30, 1939 - Jul 16, 1939 (17 days)
Aug 13, 1939 - Nov 24, 1939
Dec 22, 1939 - Jan 7, 1940
LOS ANGELES, California
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