Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School is founded on the "I AM" Activity, which presents the Original Ascended Master Instruction from the Teachings given in the Books of the Saint Germain Series, and in other material released by Saint Germain Foundation and distributed worldwide by the Saint Germain Press.
All who study the pages of those books honestly, deeply, sincerely, and persistently, will know and make contact with the Reality of their own individualized God-Self - their Mighty "I AM" Presence, Its Radiation and Sustaining Power.
“These Books contain the Eternal Law of Life, and will remain the Law for humanity and the Earth for thousands of years to come.” Mrs. G. W. Ballard
The Saint Germain Series
"The Ascended Masters' Words that have been published in these Books of the Saint Germain Series and The Voice of the "I AM" carry the Ascended Masters' Radiation." "That Radiation is three times more powerful than the spoken word." Beloved Godfre, Santa Fe, 4 November 1965 - CD 1190
Read the first three volumes of the Saint Germain series, online here: Unveiled Mysteries Book - The Original Volume 1, The Magic Presence Volume 2, "I AM" Discourses Volume 3.
"I say to everyone who wants to study and know: that the Power of Vibratory Action in those books will reveal to you the clear and definite understanding of Life, your Life which you are using every moment."
This "I AM" Activity teaches the Universal Laws of Life, and is integrated through all subjects taught at the "I AM" School. First and foremost the students at the "I AM" School are taught to send love one's own "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" within, which is each one's own individualized Presence of God.
Out of this awareness and connection to one's "Mighty I AM Presence" stems all conscious knowledge, understanding, and right use of the Great Creative Power of the Universe.
"I plead with you tonight, do not ever look for anything greater! There is no such thing in the entire earth, that is greater than This Information and Instruction which Saint Germain has given you. Do not any one be foolish enough, to expect to find It anywhere else."
Beloved Mighty Victory, The Voice of the "I AM" 1938.09:7
Beloved Sanat Kumara, The Voice of the "I AM" 1943.01:6
"The years spent in the "I AM" School shall be such a remembrance of joy, of accomplishment, of Victory and of Freedom, that they stand out forever as a Great Beacon of Happiness and such an anchor of Light that no one will ever want to forget his "I AM" school Life.
Part of the training in every school is to give each one an opportunity to become master of himself so that he is always comfortable, natural and at ease yet calm, dignified and Self-controlled whenever he needs to express himself before his class-mates and teachers.
Beloved ones, every "I AM" School should be a Temple of Light and Happiness of the Ascended Masters' Instruction to help every one to do that which expands his own Light and releases Its Blessings to his fellow-man.
Every child in every "I AM" School should at least once a day face an audience of his classmates and teacher; and call his own "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Masters to pour some definite Blessing to his audience, to all in the school and to America.
Every human being should become so much at ease, so natural and so comfortable before any audience or group of people, that at any moment he can lead his fellow-students to do something which will bless all.
The "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Masters cannot release Their fullest Help, if fear, embarrassment, nervousness or any feeling of inferiority has control of the energy in his feeling.
The 'I AM" Schools are and should always be the greatest enjoyment in the growing activity of every child and young person.
Every moment of every day in every 'I AM' School should be a constant service to Life in the great Harmony and Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and their constant use of Their Light Rays."
The Voice of the "I AM," 38.12:25-26

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The lower figure represents the human or flesh body; the Upper Figure represents the Individualized Presence of God, which is the Electronic Body of the "Mighty I AM Presence."...
The Ray of Light which goes from the Heart of the "Presence," through the top of the head, anchoring within the Heart of the flesh body, is the Life, the Light, the Substance, the Energy, the Intelligence and the Activity by which the physical body has Life and is enabled to move about.
When your attention goes to the "Mighty I AM Presence," this Ray of Light and Energy begins to intensify and expand, until the Point of Light within every cell of the flesh body responds to It. Then the process of throwing off the denser qualities of the flesh body begins. As this intensifies, the Radiance forms a Tube of Light about the flesh body. ...
The Violet Flame flowing up, through and around the lower figure, represents the Violet Consuming Flame, which is released by your "Mighty I AM Presence" when you call for Its Action to be passed through you and your world to consume all discordant creation, past and present. ...
When you sincerely and firmly give attention to your "Mighty I AM Presence," your Ascension begins that moment. The practical part of this True Understanding is that when you give your attention firmly to your "Presence," the Ray of Light and Energy from your "Presence" begins to intensify and expand, causing the rapid expansion of the Light within every cell of your body, until the Earth loses its attraction for the body.
Then, as the attention continues to the "Presence," the finer part of the flesh body ascends and is absorbed into the Higher Mental Body. Thus, the Transformation from the human into the Divine takes place; all sense and appearance of age leaves the face and body; the hair returns to its natural color; and the clothing dissolves into the Garments of the Higher Octaves. Then the finer part of the flesh body is drawn into the Higher Mental Body, and It ascends into the Electronic Body of the "Mighty I AM Presence" when the individual becomes the Ascended Being, which Beloved Jesus, Beloved Saint Germain, and hundreds of Others are. ...
The Color Radiance around the "Presence" represents the accumulation of all the good from all the past lives of the individual. It is a Great Storehouse of Energy which the individual has earned. This Great Energy will be released into physical use when enough attention has been given to the "Presence." ...
At the left of the lower figure is Mount Shasta, where some of the experiences of Unveiled Mysteries took place. At the right are the Teton Mountains where the Retreat, the Royal Teton, is located. It is in this Retreat that the Great Assembly of the Ascended Masters meet twice each year to render a Mighty Service of Light, Love and Perfection for the Freedom and Blessing of mankind and the Earth.
Read More regarding the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Great Creative Word - "I AM" at the official Saint Germain Foundation website.
To inquire about an "I AM" Temple, "I AM" Sanctuary, or "I AM" Study Group across the world near you:
Tel: 800-662-2800 / 847-882-7400
Excerpt taken from 'Explanation of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,"'
a Saint Germain Foundation instructional pamphlet, Copyright 1984

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The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. He is the Greatest Blessing that has ever come to mankind, because He operates under the Ray which is the Purifying Power to the Earth. Beloved Saint Germain is the Law of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray to this Earth, the only means of releasing this Cleansing, Purifying Power. Beloved Saint Germain’s Service is given by the Outpouring of His Light and Love to the people of America and the world, and through their conscious cooperation with the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host and the Legions of Light.
Excerpt taken from the Saint Germain Foundation official website. CLICK HERE for more information
Beloved Saint Germain, Long Beach, California, Nov 20, 1962 - CD 888

© 2024 Saint Germain Press
"The Words, "I AM," are the Mightiest Words in any language that ever has come forth in the use of mankind in four and a half million years. They are the Power of Light! They are the Signal to all the Forces of Light, when you utter Those Words, to come into action at your point in the Universe. They are an acknowledgment that you are God Beings and that the Power of Light in you is the Power of God, the "Mighty I AM."
As you come to understand this more fully and feel more deeply Its Power and Action in and through you, then will you gain your Mastery. You will see the outer manifestation so quickly, your heart will rejoice that you were strong enough to stand until the momentum gained its full power in action at your call."
Beloved Archangel Michael, The Voice of the "I AM" - 1939:01:16
Think often what these marvelous two Words mean; and always couple with the use of these two Words, the statement that: "When I say, 'I AM,' I am setting in motion the Limitless Power of God in whatever I couple the expression 'I AM' with."
Beloved Saint Germain, "I AM" Discourses, Volume 3 - Discourse XIII