High School English & History
High School English & History is divided into four yearly topics:
- Ancient Civilizations;
- American History & American Literature;
- World History & English Literature;
- The World Today and Tomorrow and Economics.
Contract System
The "I AM" School follows a Contract System where students are given some choices in the assignments they wish to complete. Every item that is starred must be completed. After adding up the total number given for the starred work; students may then choose work to do from the unstarred items to reach a final total of 100 points. This ability to choose the work of their choice to be completed gives the students a greater ownership of their work and they treat their work with greater care and respect.
Group Projects
A huge component in these courses is group projects and discussions. Learning how to work effectively and efficiently with others are key skills needed in the working world today. Organizing time and work is key to a student’s success in these courses.
Theming and Personalization
The Montessori philosophy is that when you start with information that is personal and relevant to the students, they will be able to understand the concepts being taught more easily. So there is always a theme that runs throughout the entire course and everything that is taught is brought back around to that theme so that the students can see there is a purpose to what they are learning.
To do this correctly, we always start with the personal worlds of the students. Once the theme is connected to the students’ personal worlds they begin to see the relevance of the material being taught and that makes it easier to move into the next world which is the social world (or the world around the students). Then once that connection is made the final world that is traveled to is the natural world, which is the world on a grander scale. Each world increases in size and its sphere of influence becomes much wider.
Review the course outlines here:
English & History is the main topic of learning on our Junior-Senior Trips. These trips are funded through Student Government, and focus on World History, American History, as well "I AM" Temple and Sanctuary large classes, such as Thanksgiving Class.
Ancient Civilizations: Connections
This course is designed to provide high school level coverage for seven areas of high school English: literature, composition, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, poetry, and outside reading. As well as a comprehensive course in history.
Students study Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Greece both the history and literature from each civilization. We start with what students know about each civilization so that we can personalize it and they can see the connections between then and now. We adopt the Montessori contract system of education for this course.
The word connections comes from the 15th Century Latin word “connecteve” meaning to tie together. Connections are the linking or joining of two or more parts, things, or people.
Connections are the links or ties that bind us together, as individuals, as a family, as a nation, and as a world. Connections show us the coherence and continuity in our past, present, and future. Everything we are and have, has its beginning someplace,
somewhere, and sometime.
We start with the beginning and study those connections from the standpoint of us as individuals, as a people with our traditions and cultures, and as a nation with our government and society. We look at where our connection begins with our "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and how we are connected to everything around us. We look at how many of the traditions in our families, and culture had their roots in ancient civilizations. We also look at the connections within our nation, how much of our government comes from a model of government used in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, and how many of our customs and ways of life in our society stems from the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Egypt.
As William Shakespeare stated, there is history in all men’s lives and we will study that history which is in all our lives and which connects and binds us all together as a country, as a world, and as a society. Our world is divided into more than 160 nations, each with its own traditions, government, and ways of life. Yet in many ways people throughout the world and throughout history are very similar. They celebrate joyous events such as weddings and festivals. Actors and singers entertain audiences. Sports enthusiasts cheer their favorite team on to victory. Many of these pastimes have their roots in the distant past. The Olympics, for example, began in ancient Greece, and the Ancient Romans gave us many forms of architecture and design. No matter what their origins or nationality, people value their traditions—traditions that have their roots in thousands of years of history.
World History Textbook, Various Novels, Short Stories, handouts, SAT Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
At the completion of the course the student will be able to:
Develop an understanding and appreciation of themes in literature in the areas of the short story, poetry, a play, and the essay; also comprehend the literary devices of characterization, plot, theme, setting, rhyme, and figurative language.
Develop the ability to express ideas well in composition and presentations, especially emphasizing critical book reviews, extended definitions, literary themes, research papers, and oral and written book reports.
Develop a thorough knowledge of basic grammar and its usage.
Develop an ability to spell correctly words that are frequently misspelled and those that illustrate a pattern of spelling.
Meet today’s emphasis on expression and communication by knowing and using a good selection of choice vocabulary words—words that have shown up on the SAT test.
Experience the pleasure of reading from various categories of books.
Learn about early civilizations from primary and secondary sources.
Methods and Activities
1. Teacher presentation
2. Writing Assignments
3. Reading Assignments
4. Workbook activities
5. Oral and written reports
6. Individual and/or group projects
7. Quizzes and tests
8. Field trips
9. Video presentations
1. Class participation
2. Completion of workbooks, assignments, and projects
3. Quizzes and tests
4. Essay and writing assignments
5. Book reports
6. Attendance and punctuality
Students will be better able to write reports, essays, and stories, have an appreciation for literature, and develop improved spelling and vocabulary skills; will learn about early civilizations and make the connections between early civilizations and our current civilization.
American History & American Literature: Identity
The word identity comes from the Latin word “essentitas” meaning being. Identity is the collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known. The distinct personality of an individual, their individuality.
Identity is who you are—your likes and dislikes, your personality, your attitude, your feelings, your appearance and so much more.
In this unit students find out more about themselves. There will be two quotes that will permeate everything we do. The first one is by Beloved Jesus “‘I AM’ that ‘I AM’”. And the second one is by Michael Praust—he wrote—“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” By the time this unit ends, students will be looking at themselves and others with new eyes. We go on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement—for we can always be better than we are for if we were perfect we would be ascended and free. Students will discover just how special they are and what their unique gifts are. Students learn ways to enhance those gifts and fade away the opportunities they may have to work on.
Students will look at what it means to be a teenager in today’s world and more importantly what it means to be an “I AM” Ascended Master Youth. Identity is an important topic and the more knowledge and awareness one has about oneself,
personality, and feelings, the more successful one will be in accomplishing the things you want to accomplish.
Everything has an identity—even a table, chair or country. An identity means sharing a set of characteristics that makes a thing known. The land we live in has an identity and in the next unit we will learn about what that identity is and who and what were the major forces to shape that identity. We will look at what it means to have an identity of an American and what America means to us and how she has come to be the great land that she is, and what we need to do to make her even greater than she is today.
We will also study the one thing that makes us all great (including our America) and that is the “I AM” Activity. What is this “I AM” Activity and who are “I AM” Students? We will research the history of the “I AM” Activity and how the knowledge of the “I AM”
helps to shape our identity and the identity of America.
The goal is to learn what we need to learn, to discover what we need to discover, to explore areas we need to explore, and to use what we find to help us become a stronger, happier, confident, more successful individual. Which in turn will help everyone make America stronger, greater, and more successful than she has ever been.
These are just a handful of people we will be studying; there are many more.
1. Christopher Columbus
2. Pilgrims and early settlers
3. Early Patriots and Founding Fathers include: Adams (Sam and John), Washington, Jefferson, Paine, Henry, James Madison, John Jay
4. Abraham Lincoln
5. Eisenhower
6. Reagan
Writers who helped to shape America’s identity:
1. John Winthrop
2. William Bradford
3. Sarah Kemble Knight
4. Jonathan Edwards
5. Founding Fathers
6. Washington Irving
7. Hawthorne
8. Louisa May Alcott
9. Mark Twain
10. Stephen Vincent Benet
11. O’Henry
12. Emerson
13. Thoreau
English Literature & World History: Fundamentals
The word fundamental(s) comes from the Late Latin word fundamentalisum, 1443, meaning “primary, original, pertaining to a foundation”; also from the Latin word fundamentum, meaning “foundation.” Religious senses of fundamentalist (1920) and
fundamentalism (1923) began in American English with a movement among Protestants around 1920-25 based on scriptural inerrancy, and associated with William Jennings Bryan, among others. The dictionary defines fundamental as: 1. of or relating to the foundation or base; the fundamental laws of the universe; 2. forming or serving as an essential component of a
system or structure; central; an example that was fundamental to the argument.
Fundamentals are the beliefs, values, morals that make us who we are. Fundamentals are the principles from which other truths can be derived. Fundamentals are the essentials, the foundational, the indispensable things upon which we are built.
Fundamentals are the most significant, structural, principle, primary, key, major, necessary building blocks of our lives.
From the beginning of time, fundamentals have been the basis for any living, breathing person to live life. It can be as simple as having the fundamentals of food and water to sustain life. Throughout history the basic fundamentals do not change; however, over time certain fundamentals become more profound and philosophical.
Students start by investigating and defining what their fundamentals are. Starting with the personal world, and then moving out to the fundamentals of Europe starting with the Anglo-Saxon period and working our way towards the present. We study eight time periods. We look at the fundamentals both historical and literary for each time period. We also make the connection as to how the fundamentals in European history and literature affected the early fundamentals of the beginning of American history and literature, especially the fundamentals of our Founding Fathers. As Americans we have very deep ties to Europe and students see that much of our government and much in our early literature was based on European fundamentals.
The World Today and Tomorrow & Economics
This is a self-improvement course. Students learn things that will improve them physically, mentally, and emotionally. We focus on what great people they really are, and students learn how to build on those things and how to wipe out weaknesses.
Students learn organization, communication, thinking and management skills that will make them more effective and efficient. These are skills that are so necessary in today’s world. Students discover the things they really want out of life and they will learn the methods to achieve their highest dreams and goals.
The goals of this course are to help students to see their own greatness and utilize their untapped potential. Students will leave this course with skills, methods, and strategies that if applied will help them to reach their highest aspirations.
The one thread that will wend its way throughout this course is our knowledge and utilization of the Ascended Masters’ Instruction of the “I AM.” It is Their Words that our truly our inspiration which will make us the best of the best. They have laid the golden path and only by studying and applying Their Instruction can we really attain the heights of Perfection—for we already are Perfect—just ask our “Mighty I AM Presence,” which you are.
We will be looking at the works of some individuals who make miracles happen in their lives on a daily basis. They have learned and applied many of the Laws of Life in their personal as well as their business lives.
The rules of this course are very simple. We are only going to think and say positive things. If something negative begins to form you must stop it immediately and replace it with a positive affirmation.
Overview of some of the books and assignments
1. Read Life’s Greatest Lessons by Hal Urban. Write a one page paper on what you are going to use from this book to live your life with purpose.
2. Read It Works and write out your goals in your journal. Read The 7 Day Mental Diet and keep a journal for one week. Read As A Man Thinketh
3. Read Being Happy. Find two Ascended Master quotes on happiness and share. Make a happy poster—use pictures and words that represent what makes you happy.
4. Read Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Write in your journal what you think your destiny is for this embodiment. What do you want out of life, what do you want to have, and how are you going to attain this? What are two natural laws and two things we can learn
from nature. What is the metaphor in this story? Read the section from the 1995 Teen Forum Manual “Ascended Master Handling of Problems” and write 9 Ascended Master Principles for manifesting your destiny.
5. Read The Millionaire’s Path and prepare an oral book report.
6. Read The Richest Man in Babylon and prepare an oral book report.
7. Read Whatever Happened to Justice and do the assignments.
8. Read The 5,000 Year Leap and do the assignments. Put the 28 principles on chart paper and use illustrations to show meaning. Write a 3-5 page paper on one principle our country has lost sight of and what damage is this causing us? What do we need to do to put that principle back into practice. You are the President of the United States, what do
you do?
9. Read the book The Strangest Secret and write a 2 page paper on what the secret is and is it really strange?
10. Read the visualization section from the 1995 Teen Forum manual. Create your own dream book and include your decrees and visualizations. The last pages is a goal page and a decree and affirmations page. Collect pictures throughout the year.
1) To impart an understanding of microeconomics, the basis of all economic theory and practices.
2) To grasp the essential large economic concerns—the factors of production, the laws of supply and demand, productivity in a
market economy, competition, efficiency, the nature of money, and relationships between economics and politics.
3) Students will learn how to analyze articles and formulate opinions on current economical policies.
4) To understand the natural laws that run the economy.
5) There will be two lectures a week on the chapters from the textbook. Students are expected to take notes, answer the questions, participate in group discussions and discussion posts.
6) Current events presentations. Students will research and present current economic news stories. Copy the articles and highlight the central elements in the articles. Prepare one or two note-cards for each presentation for your use as you present. Time limit is 5 minutes. You will be graded on accuracy and relevancy of the content of the article, the effectiveness of the presentation, and adherence to the time limit.
7) The final project is an 8-10 page paper on what you have learned from both courses: The World Today and Tomorrow, and
Economics. Write a paper on what you have learned from the experts on what the American people and government need to do
about economics, business, wealth, finances, attitudes, religion, and politics to help make our America a better place with a very sound and prosperous economy. Entitle your paper “The Way to Greatness and Happiness.”
Textbook: Economics: Work and Prosperity
Practical Life Lessons: Practical Money Skills Lessons 1-22
Book: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy and do the assignments