Program Description
The "I AM" School offers an Elementary/Montessori based program. Children learn all subjects, including Math, Language Arts, History & Geography, Practical Life-skills, Botany, Geometry, and Sensorial Development (developing all the senses of the children).
Children are given the freedom to choose their work from anything presented by the teacher or presented to another child. Our goal is to create a lifelong love of learning.
In our classrooms we pull from many different disciplines of education so that each student experiences a varied and exceptional education.

We incorporate, the Ascended Master Teachings of the “I AM” Activity into our classroom work daily.
The purpose of the “I AM” Activity is to teach the proper use and power of the words “I AM” and the use of the Sacred Fire.
The principle is simple: Inner Calmness and Spiritual Growth teaches Self-Mastery.
Whatever Life demands of them, the children learn to assert their God-given Dominion and do it to the best of their ability.
By right action, they learn to conquer every obstacle, attain Self-Mastery, and strengthen their own virtues.
The goal of this Religious Teaching - as given by the Ascended Masters - is to protect and raise all that is constructive in the world; to maintain God Ideals by worshiping God in the highest and most powerful way possible, through the use and power of the words “I AM”.

Teachers at the "I AM" School feel the educating of your child is one of the greatest privileges they will ever be entrusted with, and take it very seriously. Our goal is to teach an academic and spiritual program that enables the student to master his/her own world, according to each one’s age and abilities.
The "I AM" School provides a clean, beautiful, safe, and loving place for school activities that is away from the undesirable elements of public schools. We teach ethical and moral responsibilities, instill American Patriotism and a love for God through knowledge and daily experience, and teach that anyone can do anything as long as he/she puts his/her thought, feeling and spoken word to it.
The school hours vary, and if your child is accepted to the program, a schedule will then be provided.
Parents are permitted to attend all field trips after signing the necessary waivers. The school will consult with all parents before making any arrangements.
The school does not provide transportation for children without written consent from parents. The school does not provide transportation to and from home.
Parents are asked to supply healthy vegetarian snacks for their child which would be required for that day.
The “I AM” School, does not administer medication to children, prescription or otherwise.

Admission Policies
The "I AM" School accepts children whose parents or guardians embrace the teachings of the “I AM” Activity. The "I AM" School requires an in-person interview with both the parents and the child before admission will be considered. During this interview, the child’s development and needs will be assessed, and the School will determine if it can meet the child’s needs. If this is the case, a recommendation for admission is made to the School Board of Trustees who make the final decision for admission.
The dress code is: white skirts with a white collared shirt or blouse for the girls; and white pants with a white collared shirt for the boys. Socks and shoes are required for everyone, slippers are permitted for indoor activities only.

Academic Policies
Formal progress reports will be given twice a year. In addition, informal progress notes may be received at any time throughout the year.
Goals for each child will be communicated at the beginning of each semester at a formal conference. Informal conferences may be arranged at any time at the initiative of interested parents.
"I AM" School Enrollment Application Handbook
What Constitutes Good Teaching?
Faculty, parents, and students agree that good teaching involves:
Genuine care and concern for the student as a whole, promoting and evaluating student growth in a positive manner.
Preparation and organization of the course: Faculty members consistently organize materials and students in a logical manner.
Knowledge of the subject: Faculty members demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of his/her subject, and can effectively impart this knowledge to the students through effective communication skills.
Enthusiasm for subject and for teaching: Faculty members are dynamic and energetic, having the ability to convey interest and enthusiasm for the subject manner, and are able to motivate students.
Clarity and easy to understand: Faculty members can explain clearly and attempts to answer all questions, students are able to easily follow along in the class. The Faculty member relates concepts in a systematic manner that helps understanding, and uses well chosen examples and innovative methods to clarify points.
Availability and helpfulness: Faculty members build rapport with students, listens to students, are willing to give personal assistance, and are readily available to students outside of class time.
Impartial, clear, and concise evaluation of students: Faculty member can clearly communicate how and what they will be evaluated on in the course, more than one type of evaluation is used, teacher promotes student growth through the evaluation methods, concepts emphasized in the course are those that are evaluated.
Modeling appropriate behavior: Faculty members act as role models and model appropriate standards of behavior.
"I AM" School Enrollment Application Handbook