The purpose of the "I AM" School, is to awaken and expand the student's understanding of his/her own "Mighty I AM Presence" and to call forth his/her own innate God-given ability for Its Perfection to govern every situation with which he/she is confronted.
The "I AM" School education strengthens the Inner Pattern of Educational Perfection already formed; by establishing and expanding a focus of Joy, Happiness, Freedom, and Protection, through which the Ascended Masters can blaze Their Electronic Substance of Light, Love, Purity, and Perfection into every constructive educational channel.
Each day's activity opens with a tribute, first, to his/her own "Mighty I AM Presence," then, the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. This is followed by the Service requested by the Great Divine Director in the Study Group Outline, conducted by student leaders selected from grades seven through twelve.
During the day, Light Class teaches the students to visualize and to decree for the Purification of all education and to form the cup and focus for the Goddess of Liberty. They accept the Guarding Cherubim, before participating in the varied Light Class activities or discussions.
At the beginning of every class period, visualizations and decrees are given to draw the students' attention back to their "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Eternal Divine Memory of their individual Life Streams for assistance in their learning activities.
The Elohim Bells chime at the beginning of each hour and this gives everyone in the school an opportunity to turn their love and attention back to their "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Masters in their own way - through visualizations or silent decrees.
The curriculum takes the student from first through twelfth grade. High educational standards are required and maintained. We meet and often exceed the California State standards of education, which are currently some of the highest in the nation.
Through the elementary grades, the preparation of the student to use his/her ability to call on his/her "Mighty I AM Presence" continues; and, in each grade level, higher and higher standards are required in his/her scholastic efforts.
The junior high school gives the opportunity to carry the student through that period of development when the student is being given the opportunity to purify and Master their emotional body. The opportunity is offered to further anchor his/her consciousness in the Great Laws of Life; thus giving him/her the only true education. This prepares him/her for the more strenuous scholastic requirements of high school.
The high school curriculum prepares the student to take his/her rightful place in society, encouraging and respecting his/her own direction from his/her "Mighty I AM Presence" and enfolding Master. The curriculum also prepares the student for college, university, or vocational aspirations. The curriculum taught at this level is college preparatory.
Mathematics, Science, English, History, Foreign Language are all presented very thoroughly, with a complete correlation of each subject with the everyday activity of the outer world. The primary objective in presenting each subject, however, is the interpretation according to the Laws of Life, as given to us by the Ascended Masters through their instruction.
Art, Music, Literature, Drama, and Physical Education complete our academic program. In every instance, particularly with Art and Music, the desire is to develop the Inner Consciousness of the student, rather than impose upon him/her outer world concepts.
An average grade of at least 70% is required at all times for continued enrollment. All students take the SAT and/or ACT college entrance exams during their junior and/or senior years. This is a prerequisite for a diploma.
As part of the curriculum, high school students and teachers of the "I AM" School attend two complete Fundamental Group Meetings a year, and a weekly Wednesday morning Violet Flame Group Meeting at the "I AM" Temple of Mount Shasta.
The reason for incorporating the weekly two hour Violet Flame Group Meetings as part of the school curriculum is to establish the pattern, or habit, in the student of the honor and necessity of attending these Groups - the knowledge and use of the Violet Flame being of primary importance after the knowledge of their "Mighty I AM Presence."
"I AM" School Parent Handbook