Beloved Saint Germain's "I AM" School has a strong relationship with the "I AM" Temple of Mount Shasta, Shasta Springs, and all the "I AM" Sanctuaries and Temples throughout America and the world. Our Bell Choir often performs at musicals at the local "I AM" Temple, and for special Classes held in other "I AM" Temples and Sanctuaries, such as Thanksgiving Class. We also enact Patriotic Plays and entertain with Choir performances.

We also perform with our Bell Choir, and sometimes harp ensemble, in the local community when asked; for events such as the Masonic Lodge Christmas Event, at retirement villages, and other group Christmas functions or special events.
Contact us if you would like to have our esteemed bell choir perform at your Community event or function.
Service tasks are also performed for our local "I AM" Temple, and at Shasta Springs in Dunsmuir. We rake leaves, clear trails and prepare the youth playground areas every year as part of "Lord Maha Chohan's Week" at Shasta Springs, and set up banquets, decorate for Christmas and other events held at the "I AM" Temple of Mount Shasta when needed.
Shasta Springs Service Day

Saint Patrick's Day Celebrations
In our annual celebrations and festivals we often invite our "I AM" community, family and friends to join with us and celebrate:
Birthdays: We celebrate each student every year on his/her birthday, or as close to it in the school year that we can. We have a special "birthday hat" and sing "Happy Birthday" to them, and often times parents will bring in a cake to celebrate.
Silence Day: Once a month we have a “Silence Day” at the “I AM” School. This provides an opportunity for the faculty and students to remain silent for the entire school day and focus on their “Mighty I AM
Presence” and the Ascended Masters, while doing their school work. All assignments are written on the board and any communication that takes place must be written.
Secret Valentine: Held on Saint Valentine's Day in February, we recount the life of Saint Valentine, and Ascended Masters readings on what Divine Love is. Everyone has a "Secret Valentine" of another student or teacher that we randomly assign. That person provides an inexpensive gift or hand-made present and wraps and hides the gift somewhere in the school. They then leave a clue for the person where it may be hidden. Once the present is found people then try to guess who their "Secret Valentine" was.
George Washington's Weekend: In February, the “I AM” School presents a patriotic program. The entire school participates in our Patriotic Play, Colonial Dancing, Choir singing, and Bell performance. In the course of these productions, we portray the little-known history of America. In the past the “Legend of the Wissahickon,” "Washington’s Vision,” and the “Unknown Patriot” as well as other classics in the true story of our Beloved America have been portrayed.
Saint Patrick's Day: We have a Hot Lunch Feast for students, parents and teachers at our Residence Including Irish Stew, Irish cheese, coffee and famous "Shamrock Shakes'. We celebrate with Irish Harp Ensemble music, singing Irish folk songs, guitar pieces, and Irish Dancing. We also retell the story of Saint Patrick and all he did in his lifetime.

Washington's Weekend

Harvest Festival Celebrations
Harvest Festival: In October the "I AM" School holds its annual Harvest Festival, and as a school we go to the pumpkin patch to select our prize pumpkins to carve with our creations. A sacred theme is chosen for the celebration, and students, parents and teachers dress in costumes portraying the theme. Grade school students make piñatas, and we play games such as musical chairs, apple bobbing, and end with costume guessing and a lovely pot luck dinner.
Christmas Recital: The Christmas Program is a time for giving special adoration to the Great Host of Light; especially to Beloved Jesus and Beloved Mary for Their Outpouring of Love and Blessings to the Earth. The program varies from year to year, depending on the students in attendance, but normally includes bell choir, piano pieces, and other instruments as well as a singing choir. Everyone participates in the program. Parents and guests are invited.
Secret Santa: In a similar manner we celebrate Christmas time with a large Christmas tree under the "Dome" in the center of our main school building. We each choose a "Secret Santa" recipient, and this time there are three days of hunting for a gift left each
day, with cryptic clues or puzzles as to where it is hidden in the school. With the final present being left under the tree, where we all try to guess who our "Secret Santa" person was!
Spring Recital: A Spring Recital/Musical is usually held sometime in April-May. This is a time for the students to perform pieces they have learned on the musical instruments they have been practicing all year long. The choir also sing a few of their selections. It is a festive time as spring has arrived and the students eagerly anticipate showing us all that they have learned throughout the year. Parents and guests are invited.
End of Year Awards Assembly: An Awards Assembly is held on the last Friday before Graduation at the school for students, faculty, parents, alumni and Trustee Board members. The Administrator opens the Assembly with decrees of Gratitude to the Ascended Host for the blessings of the year, Protection for summer vacation, and call for the Divine Plan fulfilled for the coming year. This is followed by each faculty member giving awards to the students that he/she has taught. These awards are unique, as each faculty member decides both content and design of his/her awards. All awards are suited to something positive, constructive, and special about the student.
Alumni Game: After the Awards Assembly there is a traditional picnic at the school and “Alumni Softball Game” or soccer game. Because this is graduation weekend, many alumni are in town but anyone who wants to play can. We play at Shastice park in Mount Shasta.
Graduation Party: After the graduation ceremony, there is a graduation party, held at the school, or a parent or faculty member’s house. It is a party celebrating the accomplishments of the graduates. Usually the parents and teachers bring the food, and all are invited. The graduates also open up their graduation gifts at this time.

Spring Recital - 'I lava you' song

Graduation Party