GRADES 1-3 have one primary teacher for all subjects, and has one main classroom. Music and Art are integrated into the academic subjects. The students join the Junior Grade School and High School students for break times, and on occasion Physical Education modules such as hiking excursions, biking, volleyball and other suitable sports.
GRADES 4-8 follow the same schedule of class times with the High School classes, and move between classrooms depending on the subject and teacher. Language Arts, Math and Science are in one classroom (generally the morning subjects); then Art in another classroom; and Music in the Sanctuary. Between each class there is a three minute period to change books from the student lockers, but often the Grade school students have a 10 minute play time outside between classes.
Language Arts, Science, Math, Art, and Music are all compulsory subjects in the Grade School years at the "I AM" School. Physical Education and Fitness are also compulsory, and taken with together with the High School students. The Academic subjects are often combined with school trips and visits, whether to the Science Works Museum in Ashland, or a weekend to the Oregon Coast and the Redwood Forests.