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© "I AM" School, Inc. Ascended Master Pictures are © Saint Germain Foundation

"Your Love to Us draws Our Flame of Love back and around you: and that becomes the atmosphere that you breathe in.
There isn't a Call that goes forth from you, nor a wave of Love that comes to your "Presence" or to Us, that doesn't draw back - instantly mark you - in and around your physical bodies Our Flame, Our Substance, and Our Love."
Mighty Astrea - The Voice of the "I AM" 2024:04:26-7
Beloved Saint Germain
Now it would be well, if you constantly charged your outer self, at least sometime each day with all the Ascended Masters' Illumination, Comprehension and Understanding of the Truth of Eternal Freedom, and what it means to Life, and how its manifestations come into this world to be in Eternal Command!
Mankind chafe against the limitations that interfere with their Freedom, and that is because God's Free Will is enshrined within the Unfed Flame in every Heart; for That is the Eternal Expanding Power of the Love of the Sacred Fire that forever abides within Life.
Therefore, when that Freedom begins to assert Itself, if the individual but understood the use of the Violet Consuming Flame, Its Boundless Love to the Universe. In the Love to that Violet Flame would be the Magnetic Power of Itself within the individual that would compel Freedom.
Now This is what the government has to have, in order to compel Freedom within your Nation; and then it must have that Violet Flame Love within your people, in order to sustain that Freedom which has been God's Gift to the nation.
I tell you without the Conscious Understanding, as the Ascended Masters know It, of the "Mighty I AM Presence", and this Violet Consuming Flame, and Use of the Great Creative Word "I AM", there never will be Freedom to this Earth! The Great Law of Life provides this Way and Means to dissolve mankind's human accumulation.
Therefore, your love of Freedom, My Dear Ones, if you understand that Freedom is the Activity of the Purifying Love within the Sacred Fire of your own Life, you will love to use that Violet Flame, for in your Love to that Violet Flame will Its Love come back in, and through and around you, and dissolve everything that limits the Expansion of that Eternal Love; and That is why "I AM" THE LORD OF FREEDOM TO THE EARTH !
Violet Flame Series III:54
Beloved Lady Master Nada
Qualify every Call, as the Sacred Love of Our Victory of the Pink Flame; for I tell you, Precious Ones, It is a Wand of Power by which you can do almost anything! Why? Because Its Great Ease, Love and Peace--which are the Supreme Law of the Universe, are the Cohesive Power that draws substance together; and holds it in a Definite Form through Love!
Without the Pink Flame you don't have Cohesive Power! The Very Magnetic Attraction which is focused within the Great Central Sun Magnet, is drawn there by the Pink Flame! When you begin to acknowledge Our Victory of Our Love of the Pink Flame, you will never know how much you can love Pink, until We show you!
It is the Quality all mankind needs very, very greatly! In the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame, with the Heart Center of Pink, you have within Its Purifying Action, always the Power of Forgiveness!
The moment there comes a feeling within you, to send Forgiveness into a condition, the Unfed Flame in your Heart sends forth a Wave of Pink Light!
I could talk to you on the Color of Pink for the Rest of Eternity. You wonder that I love It? Do you wonder "I AM" It? Does that mean anything to you? Do you know "I AM" Certain Authority over the Pink Flame to This Earth?
If you should ever care to experiment with My Power and My Victory of My Love of the Pink Flame, do you know what It will do to you? It will make you love Our Pink Flame, as much as I do!
The Voice of the "I AM" 1951:09:12-13
Mighty Victory
Let your first thought be Beloved Mighty Victory's Double Triangle of Gold and Blue, within the Sun Presence of Violet Flame, rushing through and enfolding anything and everything of which you are thinking!
If you intend to take a trip, see your whole means of transportation held within a Tunnel of the Violet Consuming Flame, within which again is the Double Triangle of Gold and Blue; and you travel within that! That is the World of the Ascended Masters Octave!
If your Loved Ones need assistance, again SEE THE SUN PRESENCE OF THE VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME, WITHIN WHICH IS THE DOUBLE TRIANGLE OF GOLD AND BLUE, ENFOLDING YOUR LOVED ONES. Make your intellect hold the picture constantly of the Violet Consuming Flame, which is the Purifying Cosmic Christ Love of Eternity; within that the Double Triangle of Gold and Blue.
Tonight, I think I shall explain to you what that Double Triangle means! One Triangle comes down with the base below and the point above, and the other has the base above and the point below. It is the complete Balance of Love, Wisdom and Power from the Higher Mental Body, into the physical conditions of Earth; and is in Reality, a lowering of the Perfection of Love, Wisdom and Power, from the Higher Mental Body into the physical conditions of this World!
It's the Balance of the Inner and the Outer. When you use It in Gold and Blue; It is a Balance of Peace, protected by the Blue Ray, and therefore, Invincible!
It is not idly that Life has provided These Symbols for your use!
Beloved Godfre, CD-0805
Mighty Astrea
Beloved Ones, the forces of the psychic stratum in the atmosphere of earth, the forces of psychic suggestion reach you more easily through the emotional body than they do by suggestion to the mind and that is the reason I have contemplated the release of this gift to you today to give you more protection against the surging pressure of psychic destruction and psychic suggestion and mental control by the destructive forces of anybody or anything under this radiation.
I wish you to consider this quite seriously and, if you will be aware of it at least three times a day or more frequently or at any time when your feelings are either excited, disturbed, resentful or discordant in any way and immediately go to work as you HOLD THE PICTURE OF THIS BELT OF BLUE FLAME AROUND YOU, IMMEDIATELY GO TO WORK WITH THE VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME WITHIN AND AROUND YOURSELVES, THE ATMOSPHERE ABOUT YOU, I WOULD THINK A THOUSAND FOOT RADIUS IN EVERY DIRECTION.
Now this is a crude comparison perhaps but this will render a service similar to a life saver. It's a protective belt and it will hold you from the downward pull of the destructive, discordant feeling in the atmosphere in which you move or in the emotional bodies of other people, especially people of the outer world who know not this Law.
After a few months of this or even a few weeks, I'm quite sure you will feel great relief from many of your pressing problems and many of the conditions that have seemed to be your limitations.
This is in preparation for, We hope, your use of some of the Inner Powers of your greater Freedom and by which you can give greater blessing to those you contact in the outer world. This is an insulation that as you move in destructive conditions, will never allow your feelings to be touched by the destruction in which you might pass.
Now, this does not take the place of your Tube of Light or your Violet Consuming Flame or your Ring Pass not of Blue Flame.
Each of those is an individual, necessary step in your Mastery. Your Tube of Light Substance is given you from the Ascended Masters' Octave, as is the use of the Violet Consuming Flame from your "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host.
Your Ring Pass Not of Blue Flame is established within which you accumulate the constructively qualified energy that you are gathering to produce greater manifestation and greater Victory in outer world conditions.
But this Belt of Blue Flame which I offer you, is My Special Gift to help you protect the energy of your feeling world and keep you from being connected with the suggestions of the outer world that are trying to ride in everywhere to discourage mankind.
The Voice of the "I AM" 2008:02:21
Beloved Master Jesus
When you realize, that as you hold the Picture of My Luminous Presence clearly within your consciousness or around an individual or a condition or a Nation or the World, I can place within that Luminous Presence a Living Flame, the Honor Flame of that "Mighty I AM Presence" in the Great Central Sun, whose Miracle Love sustains the Universe.
When you realize that the Luminous Presence of Myself or any Ascended Master, where We focus an action of the Sacred Fire within that, and charge It with the Power of the Great Central Sun Magnet, and then hold it around an individual or a condition, it immediately begins to raise that out of the vibratory action, out of the substance, out of the feeling and out of the conditions of that which is of limitation, of human limitation.
Now remember, "I AM" certain Authority to the Earth, as One of the Chohans, and the Chohan of the Golden Ray.
And therefore in that Statement: "I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, if you understand that as My Luminous Presence and My Heart's Flame within that Luminous Presence, focusing the Full Perfection of My Resurrection and the Ascension, with the Power of the Great Central Sun Magnet, you will find it alive in you, you will find it acting in you, you will find it blessing you, you will find it your Victory in your affairs.
I am returning you to your Divine Birthright, and as the Power of that Great Central Sun Magnet, which "I AM" to the Earth, then "I AM" the Sacred Fire and Miracle Love that can draw you into the Victory of God's Heart.
So, it is not idly, that I spoke those Great Commands so long ago, when I said, "I AM" THE OPEN DOOR THAT NO MAN CAN SHUT, that also had reference to the Great Central Sun Magnet, for the Open Door that is an Arch that has no Door to close, is a Magnet to draw the individual through into the Realm of Light.
Therefore, when I said, "I AM" THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, I meant it, I still mean it, and I still am the Light of the World!
I AM” Discourses Volume 17, Dictation IX,
Beloved Goddess of Justice
What the World calls Divine Justice is but still a gratifying of the desires of the outer self. When people demand Divine Justice for themselves, they very rarely think of the Divine Justice they should have given to Life all through the ages, since they turned away from the Light.
Since the Law of Love is the Law that manifest the entire Infinite Universe, since It is the Great Miracle Love of that Miracle Life in the Great Central Sun, I say to you that Divine Justice, which establishes Balance everywhere that manifestation takes place, is the Balancing of the World of Manifestation with the Love of the cause which produces the Universe.
And since Love is the Fulfilling of the Law, then until mankind are taught to give enough Love to the "Mighty I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host, the Great Central Sun, they have not fulfilled the Law of Balance.
The “Great God Presence”, the "Mighty I AM," and the Ascended Host are constantly giving the Magnificent Life and Substance and Energy of Purity into the outer use of the mankind of this World. That “Great Presence” of Life is giving the Perfection and Blessings of Itself into the outer use of mankind, and the Love that offers That to the people of this World is forever surging to bring Blessings and Happiness and Perfection everywhere, to all, forever.
And until unascended mankind are taught that Divine Justice means giving your Love back to the Source that gives you Life, you have upset the Balance of the Universe, until that Love is sent back to the Source that loves you.
It is only the Great Love in the Great Central Sun that sends forth the Heart Flame of Itself into embodiment in this World, expands Its Plan of Perfection.
And unless the individual is taught the obligation of the outer self to send Love back to the Source that gives it existence, then it has thrown something out of Balance. That's what's the matter with the World tonight!
When people are taught from babyhood that their obligation to Life is to send Love and Gratitude to the "Beloved I AM Presence" and the Ascended Host, to the Powers of Nature, to the Beings and Blessings of the Elements, to the Heart Flame of every individual, and to the "Mighty I AM Presence" of every individual, until mankind are taught the responsibility and obligation of sending that Love back to the Perfection of Life, then if they are not taught that, they are not taught anything that is worth anything, regardless of what the intellect thinks it knows!
If the intellect were the knower, it would have known enough to send its Love back to Its Source, to hold the Balance that it might remain Eternally Happy!
Therefore, since it is My Duty to Life, My Service to this Earth, My Privilege to be the Balancing Power of that Love as the Goddess of Justice, then I shall see that mankind understand their obligation to send Love back to the Source that gives them embodiment!
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